PC [BUG] Audio Bug - Summer Mosquito Background Audio


So, When I reached Summer 1 for the first time playing in a while, I was doing work and the music died back to where I could only hear the ambient background noise. Birds and Mosquitos only.

It is on a 50 second loop, and it can be timed... repeatedly... by the inclusion of a single audio blip that reoccurs every 50 seconds.

The sound, is the Microsoft Windows Device Connected Default sound. It was driving me insane because every minute it sounded like something was connecting or disconnecting from my computer and i kept checking and checking until I realized it was the game audio tricking me.
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So I did a -bit- more research on this myself and found that this predates 1.5.

This youtube clip is of the audio in question, and you can hear the blip sound at 5s in, and again at 55s, and again at 1m 45s. Perfectly on time for a 50s loop.


Staff member
I had to listen several times, at those timestamps is what sounds like a bug that's "closer to the microphone", I also made out a very faint pop or click type sound at 4 seconds in. Is one of these the noise you're referring two? It's possible I'm just not familiar with the default device connect sound on Windows or that you're on a different version of the OS. On my computer it's a three tone chime effect.

Also just want to mention that next time you can always edit your initial post with additional information :)


Staff member
I'm still not hearing it, even knowing what I'm listening for, but I suspect it's because I'm not familiar with the Windows 7 sounds.