PS4 [BUG] 1.5 Split Screen Co-Op often crashes when when farmhand loads a map on Ginger Island [ENG]


Has been happening since the 1.54 patch and still happening on 1.56.

When a farmhand attempts to load an area on Ginger Island there is a chance the game lags then crashes. The game's host farmer doesn't seem to cause this issue.

It has happened at least once every 14ish game days from our experience and seems to happen more often if the farmer is on Stardew Valley and the Farmhand is on Ginger Island. This kind of mid-game crash (when farmhand loads a GI area) has also happened while inside the Volcano when they were trying to go back down a floor to help out the host farmer.

Possibly related, but the game also has crashed a few times after the day ends but before the "saving game" process starts and the day has to be played over again. The only times this has happened to us is when the farmer and a farmhand sleep on separate farms.