Bombs for the Skull Cavern


I've always known that you can trade 5 quartzes for a bomb every day with the Desert Trader. (I don't mean that you can only do 5 a day; I mean that I think that the Trader has this offer every day.) What I didn't realize is that quartzes just pour out of crystalaria. It takes them 7 game-hours to happen. So you can farm hundreds of quartzes in a short time, and I have no idea how anyone navigates the Skull Caverns without bombs. Make hundreds of them.


You can also buy the bombs from Dwarf for 600g. Or make them. Whichever works or combine all 3 methods.
Oh, yes, of course, and crafting or buying have the added benefits of immediacy. But for painless stockpiling, breeding quartz seems like a natural choice.
That's something I never knew. But it's a good idea. Crystalariums would allow for fast production of quartz. And then you have bombs galore, add that to stairs and you're jumping down many floors very quickly.