Best Marriage Candidates... your opinions please...


I'm playing a four corners farm with my son and two of his friends at the moment. We login after school on Tuesdays and play until 6pm. Its hilarious and something I look forward to every week. They're only 10 and very serious about it all. We're deciding on marriage candidates and one of them is wooing Abigail, another is wooing Hayley. My son has decided to try and marry Krobus and get him to be his flatmate. I'm not sure who to go for myself.

In other games I've married Maru, Sebastian and Emily, so I want to choose someone else for this game.

So far I've been pursuing Harvey, Leah and Shane and might just try and get all heart events with all three and see after that which one to go for.

So aside from Abigail, Hayley, Krobus, Maru, Sebastian and Emily, out of all the candidates left which would be the best to go for do you think?


Maru gives some of the best gifts imo. My absolute favorite bachelor is Sebastian, but I have a soft spot for Sam, Shane and Harvey in this order.
For the girls, Abigail, Leah, Penny and Emily.
iirc, Shane brings his chickens with him? Not sure.


I prefer Leah among the females, partly because most of the others are actual girls, not women. No idea who might be the best fit among the males. Definitely not Sebastian for me, as I can't stand smokers. Elliot maybe? I'd recommend Krobus before all the others, but then you need to have a talk with your son first 😅

Leah gives you coffee quite regularly btw, which is a fantastic gift.


I like a lot Shane, he is a good man and he try his best to put back his life, before and after marriage. It's a bit weird but very dedicate daddy, too!
I recently tryed Harvey, he's a bit weird but he's a good husband. And his 13heart event is really sweet.
Alex seems a bit childish, but the marriage turn him in a responsible young man.
About girls, I like Penny. She has had a bit thought life but she's always sweet and nice. Maybe a bit too much focused about "happy family", but can you blame her? No dad, alcoholic mom, living in a old trailer... it's a miracle she's smart and nice.
Leah... I tryed but I didn't totally fall in love for her.
Never tried Maru, I don't like her a lot.


I married Abigail first because I thought she was the most interesting. After that, I've mostly based my spouse either on who I thought I would enjoy the farm map I was using or who would get along best with the farmer I made. I married Sebastian on my wilderness farm, Haley on my beach farm, Elliot on my forest farm. I married Emily on my hilltop farm because I made my farmer look like Toki Wartooth and I thought they'd hit it off. I'll be marrying Maru on my new riverlands farm I've been playing on my live stream because it's a great place for her scientific research and she's another person I find interesting. (I also married her on a co-op farm.) I married Sam on the co-op beach farm I play with @imnvs because he's a fun guy and I hadn't married him before.


Maru gives some of the best gifts imo. My absolute favorite bachelor is Sebastian, but I have a soft spot for Sam, Shane and Harvey in this order.
For the girls, Abigail, Leah, Penny and Emily.
iirc, Shane brings his chickens with him? Not sure.
Yeah I agree - Maru gives good gifts but she gets really boring after a while. I love Sebastian - his morning chitchat is lovely and a bit saucy tbh. I'm pursuinig Leah in my Tablet game now, so in our Four Corners Farm it's going to be either Harvey or Shane - I wonder if he brings his blue chicken - I'll need to check that in the Wiki. Thanks


Elliott is fun if you want a bit of a challenge, most of the items he likes take a little while to acquire in early game so it can be fun. If you ask me, he also has a really good personality.
He likes ducks feathers and we have a regular supply of those now so should be quick enough to get up to speed with him - not looked into Elliot at all, but might add him to the mix... maybe I need to do all heart events with Harvey, Shane and Elliot now


I prefer Leah among the females, partly because most of the others are actual girls, not women. No idea who might be the best fit among the males. Definitely not Sebastian for me, as I can't stand smokers. Elliot maybe? I'd recommend Krobus before all the others, but then you need to have a talk with your son first 😅

Leah gives you coffee quite regularly btw, which is a fantastic gift.
Yeah _ I'm going for Leah in another game now, so concentrating on the bachelors in this one... although funnily I've got a lot of hearts with Maru as she always crosses my path daily, so has been very easy to talk to regularly and gift items to. She's a bit of a boring wife though.


I like a lot Shane, he is a good man and he try his best to put back his life, before and after marriage. It's a bit weird but very dedicate daddy, too!
I recently tryed Harvey, he's a bit weird but he's a good husband. And his 13heart event is really sweet.
Alex seems a bit childish, but the marriage turn him in a responsible young man.
About girls, I like Penny. She has had a bit thought life but she's always sweet and nice. Maybe a bit too much focused about "happy family", but can you blame her? No dad, alcoholic mom, living in a old trailer... it's a miracle she's smart and nice.
Leah... I tryed but I didn't totally fall in love for her.
Never tried Maru, I don't like her a lot.
I like Shane and always befriend him to get the blue chickens.


I married Abigail first because I thought she was the most interesting. After that, I've mostly based my spouse either on who I thought I would enjoy the farm map I was using or who would get along best with the farmer I made. I married Sebastian on my wilderness farm, Haley on my beach farm, Elliot on my forest farm. I married Emily on my hilltop farm because I made my farmer look like Toki Wartooth and I thought they'd hit it off. I'll be marrying Maru on my new riverlands farm I've been playing on my live stream because it's a great place for her scientific research and she's another person I find interesting. (I also married her on a co-op farm.) I married Sam on the co-op beach farm I play with @imnvs because he's a fun guy and I hadn't married him before.
I'm not the only one with lots of farms - not tried the beach farm yet.

Magically Clueless

Staff member
I'm playing a four corners farm with my son and two of his friends at the moment. We login after school on Tuesdays and play until 6pm. Its hilarious and something I look forward to every week. They're only 10 and very serious about it all. We're deciding on marriage candidates and one of them is wooing Abigail, another is wooing Hayley. My son has decided to try and marry Krobus and get him to be his flatmate. I'm not sure who to go for myself.

In other games I've married Maru, Sebastian and Emily, so I want to choose someone else for this game.

So far I've been pursuing Harvey, Leah and Shane and might just try and get all heart events with all three and see after that which one to go for.

So aside from Abigail, Hayley, Krobus, Maru, Sebastian and Emily, out of all the candidates left which would be the best to go for do you think?
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I would recommend Harvey personally! He's kind of overshadowed by other characters, and even though Harvey isn't really my top choice, he is a really sweet and charmingly dorky guy that I think everyone should give a chance at some point