Interior Before i'll change the appearance of my greenhouse, here's my current one...

Lew Zealand

thank you! 😀 i like it that if two pomegranate trees are planted in "the right way" the leafs in between form something like a "heart-shape" or like an owl statue.
Do you know if that happens by chance or by the way you're facing when you plant them?

Also I like your Tree and Potted Pineapple placement better than mine, it's more esthetically pleasing even though we probably have similar numbers of each. Do you have more Pineapples in Pots down the left and right sides (hidden by the Trees)?
Do you know if that happens by chance or by the way you're facing when you plant them?

Also I like your Tree and Potted Pineapple placement better than mine, it's more esthetically pleasing even though we probably have similar numbers of each. Do you have more Pineapples in Pots down the left and right sides (hidden by the Trees)?
i don't really know how the mechanism works but i changed positions of (all) the trees for like three times. second time i found out that the leafs weren't giving this "image" anymore of a heart that i had, only the right pomegranate tree was growing in the right direction. and then i chopped the left one down, and placed the sapling from another position and faced in another direction (don't know which way i was facing) and then it came out right again like i had it before. and yes i have garden pots under the trees, as always i tried to max out every space. and thanks for ur kind comment i wish i could help you, please give me a link to your greenhouse if you have one, would like to see your interpretation! have a wonderful evening, regards, ferris