Beat Alex!

I don't do 100 situps specifically, I prefer a more balanced fitness routine. I have previously done 100 burpees in 10 minutes and lived to regret it. (I proceeded to projectile vomit across the room.) I now do something inspired by the Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program*. I do as many pushups as I possibly can before collapsing, as many situps as I can before collapsing, and I use a military provided training program that sounds a tone at specific times for both of those things to know when I should go up\down when I'm doing the pushups and situps. Another thing that I do is run back and forth between a certain point before a tone sounds that speeds up over and over until I can't reach the point before the tone sounds, or I run out of steam. If you couldn't tell I am a bit of a fitness nut. Also, if you couldn't tell, I plan to join the military, specifically the Air Force.

*The Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program is an organization for youth to train like the Air Force does to become more physically fit and to build character. Here is a link if you want to learn more.