Bathroom please

Seriously we need to get a bathroom option for the house. Either as a reno or through standalone items.

toilet as a cosmetic chair
shower: restores energy in sections for 10 mins works like a furnace for yourself
hot tub: spa like restore
sink w/ medicine cabinet: refills water storage for meds and tonics
shampoos: make invulnerable to certain debuffs depending on shampoo but canceled out by different debuff.
washing machine/dryer: cosmetic
plunger: joke weapon/hammer
litter box: smells better than abigail.........currently
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For this first mod there is a problem. House renovations you can do.
So there is:
The updated mod by minervamaga is broken with the 1.5 game update.
Personally, I thought this mod looked better and would have recommended it, but it doesn't use SMAPI and instead updates game content. :frown:
Yeah I wish i could mod mine but i am just a lowly console gamer. Honestly i wouldn't want to have mods on console as fallout and skyrim get heavily censored over all due to ummm....... questionable wardrobe choices.
Seriously we need to get a bathroom option for the house. Either as a reno or through standalone items.
I thought about that too: you always go to bed with the same clothes and without washing. But actually I wouldn't like to do the same routine in gameplay every day either.
So maybe the bath could also be a room just to "go through" - like in the spa - and you are changed in clothes...

Also: if you have your own bath/tube for restauration there is no need for the spa anymore. So we need a good alternative for this.