Windows Audio Breaking after being disconnected and reconnected


I'm on PC 1.6.8, I use bluetooth headphones and whenever they die I put them on charge for a little bit and sit afk/play without sound.
When I reconnect my headphones, they connect to my pc just fine and I can listen to youtube and other audios, but Stardew refuses to play audio.
It's been a bug for a WHILE now, i'm 90% it isn't just me experiencing this either as there's a forum post from 2021 bringing this up. (sorry if there's been more, I didn't see any while searching.)

Any trick/helpful idea on how to fix it without having to restart, fishing without sound is extremely annoying especially when I watch things while playing :sweat:
If there isn't, I hope a dev sees this and fixes it for 1.6.9, happy to give more info if needed!
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added thing from another post I've just seen confirming that it can also distort audio:
UPDATE: I think this may actually be related to changing audio output with the game open. Tonight I started the game with wireless headphones as output then switched to computer speakers and the sound distorted in the same way. In retrospect, if I had opened the game last time with the speakers as the audio output then been away from my computer for 2-3 hours, the headphones probably powered down due to inactivity or battery running out.