In my backwoods, have flooring (stone walkway floor) covering most of area. Artifact spot spawned in middle of flooring, and unable to pickaxe flooring to access artifact spot, and unable to hoe artifact spot, so artifact spot remains stuck in flooring, and one tile of flooring cannot be removed. Unsure if relevant but location in backwoods is.. in the left side of backwoods where there are two fence corners, at top fence corner artifact spot is 4 spaces to left of fence. No obvious pattern as only happened once. Not sure if any other relevant info., tools upgraded to iridium but don't think that would make a difference.
Bug has only occurred once so far, and flooring has been placed down for estimate of over 1 in-game year.
v.1.6.15 build 24356
macOS Ventura 13.0.1, macbook air
In game language English
Single player
no external keyboard/ mouse
never used mods
Bug has only occurred once so far, and flooring has been placed down for estimate of over 1 in-game year.
v.1.6.15 build 24356
macOS Ventura 13.0.1, macbook air
In game language English
Single player
no external keyboard/ mouse
never used mods