Are pumpkins or cranberries better?


Why make money have fun. Money is totally overrated. You took over your grandpas farm to avoid the drudgery of being enslaved to capitalism. Have FUN. It’s okay to make enough money to eat and build a home, get married and have kids, and upgrade your tools and make some machines but no need to overdo things. Otherwise you’ll wind up overworked, miserable and unhappy like Morris, Pierre and Lewis.

So that being the case plant cranberries. Way more enjoyable. Plant them in your greenhouse too make the seeds from bonus harvested cranberries if you want to save. Then the joy of the harvest sound lasts year round and not too bad for money, eating for energy and building what you need. Way better than boring old ancient fruit. Not as money making but this game is about fun not money. Enjoy the valley. It’s great fun if you take the time to relax and enjoy the things you normally don’t when you are workong too hard. You won’t die. You just continue on forever. Whatever you are rushing to do will be there tomorrow and a year from now. This is not real life this is Stardew! 🫶


Local Legend
@Lew Zealand try out the dehydrators! I made five on my last farm and they ate up ALL of my normal quality fruits and mushrooms. Not kidding. I mean, I don't grow whole stacks of blueberries, but the whole process five at once thing is AMAZING.
And the pure speed (not to mention overnight vs taking X hours) too, really makes everything feel all nice and dandy early on
I just want to toss out there this consideration:

Crops are nice, but machines are always the real money makers. Pumpkins are easier to process and far more profitable to process. But that also means cranberries have a far easier time filling otherwise empty machines.

So if you’re limited on the machines and pumpkins will fill them all nicely, pumpkins are awesome! If you’re going nuts on machine production and the amount of sprinklers worth of pumpkins you can produce won’t keep them all fed through not just the fall but the winter as well, it can be really nice to have a mix and ensure you’ve got enough cranberries to keep those jars and to a lesser extent kegs filled. If I’ve got both generally I’ll get enough pumpkins to fill my kegs and enough cranberries to fill my preserve jars.

Long story short, both are great and have value. But selling either of them “raw” and unprocessed is selling yourself short, so I’d recommend making your decision based on your processing capabilities first and foremost. Assuming profit is your priority of course. If it’s not then it’s entirely on you and your desires and I’m not one to judge :-)