Any fish you can't catch?


Mine is the scorpion carp. Fishing is not my best skill, but still I like to think I am decent at it. I caught all the fish for the fish tank bundle, and even caught a void salmon on my first cast, but I have not even come close to landed a SC yet.I am level 10 and using a trap bobber and trout soup, but it moves way too quick for me. Oh well, maybe I will hook one that hasn't had enough sleep one day, and is a little slower, lol.


The ice pip drove me nuts on my last farm. So much so that I haven’t even attempted to catch it this time. I’ve never tried to catch the scorpion carp though, but it sounds just as frustrating!


Octopus . This ,, fish " really pisses me off , because it bite seldom and strong as legendary fish . Lose often to legendary fish is Ok for me , but not to this eight-legged scoundrel .
The octopus is my arch-nemesis, and I definitely would not object if it were to be nerfed at least a little bit in the future, especially since it can only be caught in one season, or during the deep sea tour at the Night Market. There are even a few legendary fish that are less difficult to catch than the octopus. I'd go as far as to call it a pseudo-legendary.
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+1 for Octopus being the nut worst fish in the game

The one and only time I went for the Master Angler achievement, the Octopus was the last fish on the list to catch. I set aside literally everything else in pursuit of it. Every morning in Summer I would warp straight to the beach at 6am for maximum fishing time. I was at Fishing 10, and I had dozens Fish Stew for +3 Fishing buff, because it's a lot easier to mass produce than Dish O the Sea. I also had oodles of raw materials for Trap Bobbers.

Even so, it took me until Summer 18 to catch it. Most days I didn't even get one to bite, and the few times I did get it on the line, it usually escaped almost instantly due to the surprise factor because it was so rare.

I'm never going to bother again


The octopus is also a monkey in the wrench for anyone trying to get 100% completion. In order to get 100% completion, you need to find all of the stardrops, and to get one of these stardrops, you need to catch every fish in the game, with the exception of the Extended Family quest fish.

Lew Zealand


I have a special hate for this fish due to my first playthrough and it NOT RAINING DURING THE FALL FOR TWO YEARS and I didn't have foraging high enough.
The Rain Totem is your friend. Once I found out about this I just spammed these all the time until getting those elusive rainy day Fish. However the requirements for making one usually means you won't have access to it until Year 2 unless you're adhering to a strict Min/Max schedule, which I don't do because it's contrary to the nature of the game contrary to my nature as a Lazy Farmer.

Still waiting for the Red Cabbage Seed Totem, Mr. Concerned Ape!!!!!!


I have caught one octopus, so apparently I got very lucky that time. I've tried for the scorpion carp but it jumped off the hook laughing at me, metaphorically speaking. Ditto the mutant carp in the sewers (I didn't know it existed until I saw a fish with a hat jumping around in the minigame), and the crimsonfish when I had overconfident delusions of being able to do Master Angler.

Those delusions may be coming back since I've been trying to catch an ice pip while waiting for ore to process. So far no bites, just ghostfish and algae.


Local Legend
The stingray. Don't care enough about ginger island enough to progress that far. It thinks it's being clever and hiding from me but i'll get it yet, all in due time.

Oh and p.s: parrots are evil.
...unless you're adhering to a strict Min/Max schedule, which I don't do because it's contrary to the nature of the game contrary to my nature as a Lazy Farmer.
Honestly the CC is one of my least favorite things about the game. I'd much like it if mayor lewis fixed the CC on his own and you could just go around doing your farming thing. Why? The same reason I don't like achievements and fetch quests in these open-world sandbox type games. They tell you how you should be playing, instead of letting you just do your thing. I think in my next farm i think i'm going to do an *ignore CC and all quests* run and see how it turns out.

...scorpion carp but it jumped off the hook laughing at me, metaphorically speaking.
I'm just going to imagine that it wasn't a metaphor, and it literally laughed at you as it swam away.
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Local Legend
Honestly the CC is one of my least favorite things about the game. I'd much like it if mayor lewis fixed the CC on his own and you could just go around doing your farming thing. Why? The same reason I don't like achievements and fetch quests in these open-world sandbox type games. They tell you how you should be playing, instead of letting you just do your thing. I think in my next farm i think i'm going to do an *ignore CC and all quests* run and see how it turns out.
There's always turning to the dark side of the valley and going Joja.


Honestly the CC is one of my least favorite things about the game. I'd much like it if mayor lewis fixed the CC on his own and you could just go around doing your farming thing.

But for a different reason: community pride.

I get it, you are a new farmer voming to town and are revitalizing the economy and civic pride.

But a 3rd option between "do it all yourself" and "throw money at it" would be AWESOME.

If mayor Lewis, Robin, and Clint teamed up to provide a 3rd option. Like:
- Lewis: Get petition signatures from all residents (no Sandy, Dwarf, or Krobus). Requires 4 hearts to get signature.
- Robin harvest materials: Stone, Wood, Hardwood, Fiber
- Clint harvest materials: Iron ore, Copper Ore, Gold Ore, Coal

Kind of a "Help them help themselves" option.


Funny, I like doing the cc bundles. On my main save, I am trying to figure my way around Ginger Island, but I keep starting a new game with a new farm and usually just delete it after finishing all the bundles. Different strokes, I guess.


Funny, I like doing the cc bundles. On my main save, I am trying to figure my way around Ginger Island, but I keep starting a new game with a new farm and usually just delete it after finishing all the bundles. Different strokes, I guess.
It's not doing the bundles thats the issue, its the thematic issue. They have this old building that everyone wishes was restored, but they are all waiting for someone else to do it. No one else has the pride to start, no one has the initiative to try to gather people, so instead they just sit and let it rot.

You literally have to rebuild it by yourself with your own money and resources.

Heck it would even be cool if randomly a Character was like "Hey, I hear you're rebuilding the Comm Center! Here this may help!" *gives you item you are missing*

Instead they just wait for this stranger to rebuild the pillar of their community.


I hate the octopus. So, so much. I work really hard to get 2 and then put the darn things in a fish pond so that they're easy to get if I need one for some reason.


It took me forever to get the hang of fishing, but now I can catch all but the legendary fish. I see that fish shoot out and I can never come close. I got a lure in a drop...does that help?


It took me forever to get the hang of fishing, but now I can catch all but the legendary fish. I see that fish shoot out and I can never come close. I got a lure in a drop...does that help?
There are various types of lures, some help, others don't. Trap lure helps the most IMO (others like lead, because they have bottom bounce issues).

What helps most is increasing your fishing level. First by levelling, second with food. Higher Level = Bigger Bar.