Am I the only one annoyed by the buzzing sound effect in summer?

Not being able to turn down the bug's sound (along with the music not looping) is why turn the game sound off. I find the insect sound irritating too. My grandparent's farm had lots of pigs and cows when I was younger, the insects were not as loud relative to animal sounds as they seem to be on my device (so I figured it must be the bee hives). Occasionally, I wonder if the balance is off on that in iOS, but probably the noise or tone just makes my brain object, lol.

It would be nice if the bug sound had its own toggle or was softer. If I turn off ambient, once the music plays all the way through for an area, basically all I have is footsteps. Seems better to just have my own music playing in the background, so I can relate to the folks that do this. I know it is only summer, but once turned off, I generally don't turn the sound back on.
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I vote for death knell cicada roar. Forget buzzing making a cacophony of chaos that makes it feel like your in the madness loop of evil dead or as we like to call it Tuesday in the south
