Am I the only one annoyed by the buzzing sound effect in summer?

Lew Zealand

The best part of this thread is I have no idea what you're referring to. I'm sure if I open a save that's in the Summer I'll immediately know the sound but I really can't place the sound at all. Of course I'm in Spring in my most recent start (this past Sunday, multiplayer with one of the kids) and my other 2 main games are in Fall and Winter.

And you know what's gonna happen.

I'm never going to be able to unhear it again, like an earworm. My only choice being: will I end up like Chekov or Captain Terrell?


It's the only aspect of this game I find antithetical to relaxing. Everything else except is so chill, but when I hear this I can't help but feel there are dead, bloated bodies behind the bushes attracting clouds of flies.
I quite like it. Living in the province, It really sounds like that in my opinion. 😂
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Well now I don't know if I should be annoyed or pleased. *laughs* @Lew Zealand do you happen to know if you can play multiplayer on two different platforms? Like PC and mobile?


I thought there were real flies in my room first and was looking around like a mad lass (I hate mosquitos with a burning passion). I don't like it but plus points for realism 😆 , and I'd hate to mute the summer soundtrack when it's on so I just dealt with it.


It's never stood out to me as it feels like a very natural summer sound. I could see how it would bother people though
It's a normal summer sound to me, as well--this is how it sounds in rural Virginia in high summer. It's not just flies, but bees and all sorts of insects. The cicadas are their own special thing, though.

Lew Zealand

Lol, OK I'm now in day 5 of Summer on our MP farm and only remembered the buzz sound thingy when coming here. And in the 4 days so far I haven't noticed it. Of course now I'm gonna be looking for it.

Luckily because it's a sound I won't find it by looking, so you're all off the hook.

Edit: OK so we're on Summer 15 and I still don't know what this buzzing is. I'm playing with speakers and not headphones but either it's hearing loss (which I have) or it's completely unobservant (which I also have). Should I create a poll?

Edit 2: I heard it I heard it! It's not very loud and we have kind of a noisy environment and I don't play with headphones on. I can see where it might be annoying in a quieter setting. Luckily no such serene circumstances here.
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I’ve only been playing for maybe a year. Always on my iPhone so I can’t do the ginger island stuff and all the other spoilers in 1.5. Still working on all my artifacts but I did all the major stuff and started hunting all the little things I missed along way. Think I’m fourteen years in now. BUT. The damned buzzing is irritating as all hell. I forgot all about it on my main farm cause I’m never on a map too long cause I’m all iridiumed up and greenhouses and don’t have to do much ya know. Just do slimes get eggs and stuff harvest etc snd then I’m off to fish or mine.
So I started a new game file. Even thought I’d stream it on twitch. And believe me it sucks. I get no one watched me live. Al good. Think I had five views in three days total. Just for fun. Figured people might like laughing at me cursing out when I misclick or f something up. Oh and twitch liked to just stop my stream sometimes about half an hour in so I can try to pause game snd start a new recording stream and HOPE stardew doesn’t reboot and make me redo entire day (4 times in 14 streams) and I also learned that my screen darkens during gameplay after maybe five min of stream playing. Maybe my phone is old or whatever. Always charged or on charger as I play. Never under 75%. But I finally got used to all this snd then I flipped out over the buzzing. Thought maybe I had some old crops needing clearing with scythe. Nope. Maybe Some high grass cause this is a new game snd my farm is tiny as f with lots o trees grass and rocks. Nope. Started happening on way back to farm in the bus screen. Uh nothing there. Unless Pam left a beer open on the bus which isn’t fixed yet. So I was hoping it was a heads up for something notifying I missed soenthing on the screen. I give up. If anyone cares I may start a new file and stream. If U care I will link it and maybe u r like me and like having some stardew in background as I play myself on YouTube or twitch. I can listen to DF only so many times. And if we EVER get multiplayer on iOS I would love to hit u guys up. I’m brand new to community and even talking on discord would be nice. Don’t know it all. Never claimed to. Just like the game snd this seems like a fun community.


Funny...I don't listen to the game at all. Sometimes the volume is accidentally turned on, but I turn it off. I must be really weird. I'm usually listening to an audio book while I play on my laptop!!! I had to listen to the flute blocks on GI, but's crickets for me!