Solved 4 Lightning rods but lightning still breaks things


hi, im playing on the latest version on switch lite. ive got 4 lightning rods on my farm but ive noticed every time its storming the lightning will still strike my paths and crops and break them. i couldnt find any recent posts about it so i figured it wouldnt hurt to post on here in case anyone else is experincing the same issue.


This is normal behavior for lightning rods. Basically, the more you have, the less chance something will get struck.

Taken from the wiki:
The chance that a lightning strike will be intercepted is inversely related to the percentage of lightning rods on the farm that are currently holding a charge (either pulsing or holding a battery pack). The exact probability is chance to intercept = 1 - (number of charged lightning rods / total number of lightning rods)²[2]. That is, if none of the lightning rods are currently holding a charge, a lightning strike is 100% guaranteed to be intercepted. If 50% of the lightning rods are charged, a lightning strike has a 75% chance to be intercepted. If 90% of the lightning rods are charged, a strike has only a 19% chance to be intercepted. At least one lightning rod must be on the farm to have any chance of intercepting a strike.

Lew Zealand

How many times are your Lightning Rods getting struck? IE: how many Batteries do you see the next day? Because once a Rod is struck, it's done for the day and can't protect anymore. And as Grumples said, Lightning Rods only have a chance to be struck. A good chance, and more Rods means more chances of a strike, but Rods do not completely prevent anything else on the Farm from getting hit.

What many people like to do is put 10-20 Rods on their farm and that keeps the strikes of anything else on the farm close to 0. I have about a dozen right now but I still get occasional hits elsewhere.