1.5 Exploits and Glitches that still work?


I just wasn't sure what else to call it, and now that I think of it, exploit probably wasn't the best word. Maybe "opportunity for save scumming" would've been better?
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Sigrah, it sounds like you have some knowledge gaps.
Using the training rod is necessary to play optimally, as it helps you level up much quicker, at least for the span of 2-3 hours on Spring 2 until you can afford the Fiberglass Rod.
And it sounds like you are taking too long to get level 10 fishing. If you are min-maxing, you should be getting level 10 fishing on around Spring 9. (You can actually get it earlier than that if you are save scumming for bubbles, but I consider that cheating.)
I'd recommend checking out my guide: https://github.com/Zamiell/stardew-valley/blob/master/Min-Max_Guide.md


Staff member
@ISSsloth @imnvs @TheFireNight
Just to clarify, people are welcome to discuss game exploits if they wish! And regardless of if any are planned to be patched in the future or not, there's nothing wrong with talking about them. It's not necessarily about "approval" of exploits, but that there's not much reason to ban discussion of them. Discovering unintended ways in which the game works can be part of the fun!


Some exploits off the top of my head.

1. The location of a lot things in the game are predictable in some way. The location of geodes, coal, tree seeds, bubbles, clay, and ladders can all be learned through trial and error (quitting and restarting the day). This knowledge can be used to get your farmer way ahead of the curve. For example, with accurate knowledge of the ladders in the mine, you can get all the way from floor 1 to floor 120 in one day with an unupgraded pickaxe. This is basically a groundhog day strategy.
2. There is a control left in the game that is undocumented in the official controls that allows one to cancel any tool animation and movement. If you rebind some of your keys and spend some time learning the timing you can decrease the amount of time a tool takes to use by a significant amount. This technique can be used on the hoe, watering can, axe, pickaxe, and weapons.
3. Any hammer weapon type has a secret combo that involves using its special attack. It allows you to get multiple hits from the hammer extremely quickly. If used correctly you can one shot almost any enemy in the game.
4. This one doesnt have any real impact on the game but if you take a crafted staircase and try to equip it as pants it will turn into the wearable version of Lewis purple shorts.
I miss the zombie walk glitch were you ran immediately after eating a sap. Was helpful as you moved faster than the horse


You reminded me of a video I watched, not long ago, I think from spiffing brit? Where he used a table glitch to make a factory with subscribers.


Well, I'm a pretty fanatical fisher in Stardew Valley in Spring Year 1. I literally spend most of Week 1 fishing in the mountain lake and, on rainy days, the river for catfish and shad, and at least half a given week+ the rest of Spring. But even as dedicated as I am, I have never hit Level 10 fishing before the 4th week of Spring Year 1. If there's a faster way or exploit, I've never heard of it.

As for exploits in general, I don't assume CA approves of them personally speaking. Like any developer, I just assume and believe he fixes exploits whenever possible and has a priority list as to which ones he focuses on. There have been some exploits and game mechanics that were heavily exploitable that he's fixed, and some of them had been around for years. Mushroom levels is a good example. Whether CA designed it to be a mechanic or was just a bug, it used to be that Mushroom levels would start at level 119 and ascend 1 floor a day until it reached level 81 (levels ending in 5 and 0 were never mushroom floors, even on the days they were supposed to be). Likewise, you could go to a Mushroom level, gather all the mushrooms, and then come back and do it again as many times as you liked during that day. It was both profitable and a fantastic way to gain foraging experience. That mechanic / bug was around for several years until CA fixed it, now it's a purely random rare event that happens as you enter the floor, and it is no longer repeatable like it was in the past.

Anyways, my point is that you can't assume CA approves of a given exploit, bug, or other mechanic that can be exploited just because it's widely known and may have been out there for a long time. I will say, though, that posting exploits, bugs, etc. can do a lot of good in bringing them to CA's attention, so that's a silver lining in helping him fix them. But, I think it's best for the mods to decide whether or not they should be posted anywhere, and their rules are all that matters here.

Modding the game is no different than using a glitch to your advantage, and is arguably worse in that it requires changing the games code to do. This idea that utilizing a glitch, especially in a single player game with limited multiplayer, is somehow cheating is laughably absurd.


I was definitely abusing the emergency save yesterday to optimally fishmon day 2 at 7am. Tying to catch 5 perfect fish by 9am to buy the fiber glass rod.

I accidently found an exploit withthe emergency save file( the file when your game crashes and when you open the game it asks you to play from that starting point. I didn't mean to do this. I won't explain the exploit( I will, report it) , but pretty much I can reset my day at 7 am at the ocean with all my items, cash, xp. So, I got level 10 fishing on day 2 with a stupid amount a money lol. Other then the actual exploiting the only issue is the npc seem confused, like Clint was sitting in front of the saloon or 6 days lol.