
  1. bredzisz

    Xbox Missing horse texture

    During Desert Festival, when I entered Emily's dressing room, during the cutscene my horse turned into this error sign. Not cool v 1.6.9 build 37
  2. Fredd8

    iOS juice has missing texture

    The 'plain' juice I bought from the travelling merchant before 1.6 does not show up in the game.
  3. Windows Texture clipping on Ginger Island

    Version: 1.6.13 Single / Multiplayer When using the Parrot Express on Ginger Island Beach, When the the parrots take off they clip through some of the elevated land behind them as they are rising.
  4. MysteriousGalLilith_:3

    Android Just a very very minor bug of grass showing wrong in a specific tree

    Just a grass traspassing something not very serious
  5. Windows Texture Bug on Standard Farm (Since before 1.6)

    I'd noticed this issue when I started playing in 1.5, and I went to check out if it was possibly fixed for 1.6 but unfortunately it's not (and now that I've looked it seems like it hasn't really been noticed much by others). I found this issue when building the obelisks on my farm, which cuts...
  6. Ilay_Anin

    Windows [BUG] Texture bug. A rock-cut image of the Stardrop over the grandfather's memorial

    Hello! I noticed a texture bug over my grandfather's memorial at the river farm after reaching perfection. The top of the star appears and disappears. I didn't know where to turn with this, so I'm writing here - PC, Windows 10, Steam - Version 1.5.6 (Last on 29 April 2023)
  7. thatotterthing

    Otter's Barn Animals [Content Patcher] & [Alternative Textures] 1.0

    Click Here for Alternative Textures Version Disclaimer: Please don't re-upload or re-distribute or edit/trace over my Mod/ Sprites and especially not behind a paywall! It would be very disrespectful of my efforts and work plus it's not a nice thing to do. This was done just so I could practice...
  8. arc1arc2

    Colorblind Accessibility Options

    I have red/green colorblindness and have a lot of difficulty being able to tell if crops like strawberries and cranberries are matured and a lot of other players share the same experience. Ideally there would be an option between Deuteranopia and Protanopia where it would change some textures...
  9. meg

    Switch Ginger Island missing ground

    So I finally unlocked Ginger Island on the Switch and was super excited to explore! I went north to the area by the volcano and the ground texture is completely missing. It’s just a sea of this blue nothingness and it’s kinda unpleasant to look at. Has anyone else on Switch had this problem and...
  10. Switch [BUG] Missing textures v 1.5.4

    It's only in this area of Ginger Island that the texture don't load properly. Everywhere else is fine!
  11. Sfinxen

    PC (Bug) Shipping bin texture

    When you throw something in the shipping bin, the texture changes a little. When you don't throw something in it: When you throw something in it: There comes like a line of the same color that removed the other lines of the boards.