
  1. Coding Help Why my smapi terminal can't recognize my debug comands when I'm debugging with JetBrain's Ridder

    The condition likes this: world_setminelevel 2 [SMAPI] Unknown command 'world_setminelevel'; type 'help' for a list of available commands. debug zl 20 [SMAPI] Unknown command 'debug'; type 'help' for a list of available commands. besides when I input 'help', only the following comands're shown...
  2. Mac [Solution / Solved / Fix] Steam Mac OS X 12.1 StarDew Valley Not Launching

    I am trying to use the terminal tip from the Troubleshooting guide https://www.stardewvalley.net/stardew-valley-troubleshooting-guide/ My username is homecomputer I open the terminal, and type sudo chown -v homecomputer ~/.config Terminal says / writes Password: I type in my password...