
  1. Switch Raccoon Shop Not Expanding

    I’ve completed 5 of the raccoon quests so far and get the message that the shop has expanded each time but it still only shows the first 4 seeds. Restarting the game, leaving and coming back, etc doesn’t do anything.
  2. Switch Dehydrator recipe missing after Purchase

    Hey, so from what I can find this happened to some people with the original release, but I've purchased the dehydrator recipe in the newly updated switch version and all its done is Take the money. The recipe is no longer buyable and the recipe also isn't in my known recipes despite having...
  3. -.Sage.-

    Switch Impossible to divorce

    So I’ve been trying to file for divorce and my game keeps crashing when I try and sleep. Has this been happening to anyone else? I’m on switch.
  4. Switch Black floors

    It's purely visual, but all wallpaper and flooring are completely black, including when not placed. It happened after a different bug where I got stuck on the museum donation page, unable to press any buttons (that resolved itself after I closed the software). I've tried to close the software...
  5. Switch Farm is lagging online and local, both single player and multiplayer

    The farm keeps lagging on single player and multiplayer. I tested it with the online and local communication, closed the software, everything is up to date, restarted switch, Internet connection is fast.When you leave the farm (including buildings outside the farm) everything seems to be fine...
  6. curvyramen

    Switch Stuttering glitch/error

    In the new 1.6 update, I tried putting a hat on my cat and it resulting in some frames stuttering every few seconds. I just reset the day before I put the hat on. I'm not sure if this has been reported before. Love this update so far!
  7. Switch 18+ Mic Friendly Preferably

    Hi! I’m Andie, and I was hoping to find someone to call and play stardew with!! I’m in Eastern Time Zone but if you’re ahead or behind that’s fine as well!! Im on Switch or Xbox! So lemme know if ur interested 💜.
  8. Katiefatula

    Switch Cross console accounts?

    Can i use my ps4 stardew account for the switch?? My ps4 died and I have a switch so can if Iget the switch game will I be able to transfer all my data? Or do I have to start over? :,(
  9. Switch [HELP] Stardew Valley Crashing on Switch

    Hi, my Stardew valley game has been crashing every time I go to bed in the game. I've played the day through four times and every time it crashes and goes to a screen that says "The software was closed because an error occurred." I've seen some information about games crashing on Day 14 of fall...
  10. Switch [BUG] Crashing when gifting Kent at the feast of the winter star

    Hi there. My game keeps crashing when I try to give Kent his Xmas gift at the feast of the winter star. I've tried giving him different gifts and they all result in the same black screen and software closed because of an error message. (game version Many thanks, Pixiedew
  11. Switch Looking for a group.

    Hi looking for a group to play, new farm. SW-1873-9254-5216, I have no mic I'm sorry so I won't be able to voice chat.
  12. Mystical Junimo

    Solved I Can't Find A Tiger Trout

    I don't know if this is a bug but I have been fishing for 14 days from 8 AM - 6 AM in Fall and I haven't gotten a single tiger trout. I am using bait and I have gotten every fish that I have hooked with my fishing rod. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if I am just really unlucky.
  13. Mystical Junimo

    Can you upload a Switch save to upload.farm?

    Can you upload a Switch save to Upload.Farm and if you can how?
  14. Switch [BUG] Collections menu recipes bug

    Platform: Switch Language: English Version: 1.5.4 Happens with every save file I currently have. Hovering over a completed recipe icon shows the recipe info box like normal, but the most recently shown recipe info box follows the cursor into other parts of the collections menu. Goes back to...
  15. Switch [HELP] Not seeing coop game

    Hi, I’m trying to create a game with my son. We both are best friends and have Nintendo online subs. But I cannot see his game on the join list. We even tried switching who hosts and I still cannot see his game and he cannot see mine. Does anyone know how to troubleshoot this? I made sure we...
  16. Switch [BUG] Switch Lite

    Is anyone else's game glitching where it just freezes for a few seconds then continues like normal???? Also is there a way to transfer my switch progress to PC?
  17. Switch looking for two

    Me and the wife play on the switch just started a new farm, and are at the end of the first year. if two would like to join and play please send us a message and we'll add you.
  18. Switch [HELP] Multiplayer Join Crash

    Lately when my boyfriend and I got the newest update for the switch edition when we’ve tried to play multiplayer it either crashes during gameplay or doesn’t let us join each other’s game at all. At first we thought it was an internet issue but then we tried playing other games and they work. So...
  19. CalI_911

    Switch Multiplayer buddies for switch

    im getting bored of playing alone. friend code:2779 4355 5102
  20. Switch Secret Note #19

    Hi, I am playing Stardew on my Switch and I was trying to complete Secret Note #19, but when I got to where I am supposed to be, nothing I have tried works to get the item. I have tried my pickax, ax, sword, pressing A, B, Y, and X, and the right joycon stick, nothing happens. I have walked that...