
  1. exarobibliologist

    Item Quality Mod Idea

    Here's a mod suggestion: A mod that allows you to select which corner of the picture the item quality star appears in. It currently appears in the bottom left-hand corner of an item picture, and I would like it to appear the upper left-hand corner, because I'm using the Stack Size Changer mod...
  2. 1.6 Update Please Add a trade to acquire Gold Animal Crackers

    A good example that was recently added, is the Coal for Mahogany Seed trade at the Racoon Shop. In the next 1.6.9 update, I'd like to see a trade for Gold Animal Crackers, to make it easier to acquire and potentialy a way of buying them indirectly like the above trade when buying coal. I...
  3. Vanilla seasonal and holiday outfits

    Let me just cut to the chase: its weird how characters like Haley continue to wear the same clothes regardless of the weather. she wears a tank top in the middle of winter. It also feels weird that no one is wearing costumes during spirit's eve. The farmer gets to wear unique clothing based on...