
  1. End game farm fishing *spoilers for new players?*

    The reasoning: With all of the changes 1.6 has brought fishing prices are now finally able to run neck and neck with end game profits of ranching and farming. But the pond farm building still has two very big issues making them less profitable than equivalent options. which I...
  2. pens

    Many many ideas:

    1- Npc dialogue rotation for events and festivals, so each time the event comes around, there's new dialogue. 2 - character schedules will now be unique each day of each season, with a 5 year rotation for each characters schedules. Note that a character's schedule will change based on heart...
  3. Igorferreira72

    Suggestions for 1.6

    Hello, We are all looking forward to the 1.6 update, I would like to put some suggestions that I would like to see, maybe Erick see it. 1- Option to Adjust the time (long or short). 2- Around Grass, like the one at the Halloween festival, in the maze. 3- Decorative new constructions on the...
  4. Android (IU mobile)Suggestions for improvements in quality of life

    Below I list some suggestions for quality of life improvements related to the mobile version UI: 1) Reduction in dialog boxes: currently the characters' dialog bar hinders the visualization of cutscenes a bit, so it would be interesting if there was an option to reduce the dialog box, both for...
  5. Palm Seed

    Have you ever thought about palm seed? I think it could be a great decoration on meny farms (especialy on beach), don't you think?