Android (IU mobile)Suggestions for improvements in quality of life


Below I list some suggestions for quality of life improvements related to the mobile version UI:
1) Reduction in dialog boxes: currently the characters' dialog bar hinders the visualization of cutscenes a bit, so it would be interesting if there was an option to reduce the dialog box, both for cutscenes and for everyday dialogs.
2) The explicit interaction box in front of the player: sometimes, when playing with just the Joystick and the Buttons, the player can end up losing the hit area of some tools, like the ax and the watering can, so it would be interesting if a kind of "crosshair" could be positioned in front of the player, to facilitate these interactions, optionally.
3) Disable flashes of light: when using some type of bomb and/or lightning strikes a surface, a flash of light illuminates the cell phone screen and this often causes a certain discomfort (this option already exists in the PC version).

Thanks for reading <3