
  1. Switch Pluie Verte

    Problème avec la pluie verte dans Stardew Valley 1.6 Salut tout le monde ! Je joue actuellement à Stardew Valley sur Switch et j’ai recommencé une partie depuis la sortie de la mise à jour 1.6. J’ai déjà terminé ma première année en jeu, mais je n’ai toujours pas eu l’événement de la pluie...
  2. Rob The Flying Cropduster

    Writing Their First Flight Together

    I kinda went so far ahead in my love of my farmer and abigail so I wrote this short story of them. Hope you enjoy! <3 As morning rose, a crisp clear day casts a picturesque light across the valley. Across the golden soil of Dustfield, a long barren road of gravel and worn dirt stretched...
  3. lovelyfantasy

    New Year 2025

    wishing you great year
  4. CrystalRose

    Linux No chests Vulcano Dungeon?

    I feel like I am going crazy but I unlocked Ginger Island and I've been in the Vulcano Dungeon for 5 times (or more) and I found not even 1 chest😅 I know I used to go there and got a chest everytime I went, sometimes even two Is this a bug or did it change with 1.6? Anyone else has the same? I...
  5. lovelyfantasy

    Clam Night

    It’s my birthday & I miss sebastian BD owo o adorable snowy nights
  6. Switch DIVORCE • system crash

    after filing for divorce, you can play the game as normal until you go to sleep, then the game crashes and closes completely. playing co-op on the OLED switch & this happens over and over and i’ve read it’s a common issue for other players as well
  7. Switch Glitch on volcano dungeon

    I was playing multiplayer and I went to the volcano on ginger Island and my friend was rearranging buildings and then every time I would go through the exit the the next floor it would just take me back to the beginning of floor 1 until level 5 where the lava turned into water and the dwarf was...
  8. Issue Stardew Valley only works in compatibility mode despite having 8 GB of RAM

    Hello, everyone! Recently, I upgraded my PC to improve performance, especially to play Stardew Valley with mods. I upgraded the RAM from 2 GB to 8 GB and replaced the HDD with a 480 GB SSD. My processor is an Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5700. Despite these upgrades, the game only works in...
  9. Stardew related name suggestions for groups of people?

    If you were to work in a group setting where you need names for different levels of groups, what would you name them? It's Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. But just calling them "levels" is boring... I have 3 types of groups that need names. I was first thinking about naming them after Iridium...
  10. GB44BY

    Xbox divorce crash

    hi, i'm in year 2 on xbox one married to abigail, everytime i try to divorce her and then sleep, my game crashes but i don't want to be with abigail anymore. any help?
  11. Android Stardew Valley is glitching out

    Stardew Valley has been a great game for me, but in the past 24 hours I can't greet Caroline or Pierre. Making calls I keep getting Robin even if I don't call Robin. What can I do? I play on an android phone. I've uninstalled, reinstalled. Cleared everything. Nothing is working. Any ideas would...
  12. Tunnel beside the entrance to thesummit

    Does anyone have any idea about this tunnel above the spa? I can't find anyway to get in there. Thank you for the answer 
  13. lovelyfantasy

    Inktober 2024 - lovelyfantasy

    for the inktober I have to do painting for the whole October month using the ink . I will post all the painting here in this thread.
  14. lovelyfantasy

    wizard tower

  15. lovelyfantasy

    Mermaid Show , gouache paint

    i will try to do flower dance background next time
  16. Switch Game crashing due to co op baby

    I play online multiplayer with my partner who I married in game. Every time we go sleep my game crashes whilst his carries on to the baby is born prompt, but then also crashes as he gets kicked out as I have the save file. If I load the game without him, I can save but baby doesn't get born. I...
  17. Windows About the npc conflict

    It had been fine before but today it suddenly informed me that there was an NPC conflict and they would turn into two people after the dialog... Just like in the picture. I don't know exactly what's wrong and I have no way to fix it right now.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry...
  18. Mac Joycon Macbook Stardew not working

    Was on a previous thread and didnt understand much. Ive tried a few things on steam (setting up the controllers via bluetooth, enabling steam imput in controller settings and then disabling steam imput in override for stardew valley controller settings, disconnecting and reconecting controlers...
  19. Shane heart event l and eight hearts

    Hi!! I need help, I can’t trigger Shane’s 7 hearts event l and eight heart event. And I have done every other of his heart event. Any ideas to fix it??
  20. Flutterdoc


    So like a lot of people have pfps of they're character in Stardew, but like in the exact art style the game has, it looks really good how are yall doing that? *sorry if this is the wrong channel, it sounded like it would be appropriate to post this in*