
  1. Solved Painting bug - Book in Wizard's tower

    If you interact with the marked book in Wizard's Tower, you can buy "buildings" such as the golden watch. You have four options for these buildings and one of them is to paint it however you like. If you click on that option, you see your farm and you can move around like normal. But if you...
  2. Switch Cursor Selecting Wrong Item

    Hi everyone, When I try to select an item in a shop (Pierres, JojaMart, etc.), the game purchases the item below the one Im trying to select instead of the correct one. What I Tried: Adjusting UI Scale and Zoom Level Using the D-Pad instead of the joystick Restarting the game and Switch...
  3. I neeed some help

    So i have 8 hearts with sam and sebastian, so then i started dating sebastian, but now im getting second thoughts abt sam, i need help, if i break up with seb can i start dating him later if i regret it?, can i date 2 people at a time?, shoukd i break up with seb? I seriouisly need help with...
  4. More indepth interactions in the Girlfriend stage, Wife and Overall

    Yeah i just had this in my mind that you know there would be more random interactions for example. Npc X jumps out of nowhere to ask you if your free to go to the bathhouse,beach, watch a movie (this is basically already). Overall i just feel that i need (i don't know about you guys) more...
  5. Mac Cant find code?

    Hii, Ive been wanting to Start a farm with a couple of pals. But when I go to find the code I can’t seem to find it? Yes, I’ve looked in “Options” under “multiplayer” but there isn’t any button and says something like “show code”. Hope you can help :)!
  6. Help TwT

    So I have two steam accs logged into my laptop, one is mine and the other is my brother's. When I logged into his steam acc my Stardew valley mods doesn't work, but when I logged into mine it works perfectly. Is there anyway I can make the mods work in my brothers acc? Also whenever I look into...
  7. Windows Fish (Crayfish) not registering in collection tab

    Hi, I am currently in the process of maxing out the fishing collection. The last fish I have to register is the Crayfish. I have caught it successfully multiple times in the crabpot, but it is not registering in the collection system no matter what I do. I have tried removing all mods...
  8. K1kiq

    SMAPI skipping stardew valley Expanded.

    Hello guys, for some reason, SMAPI is skipping the "Stardew valley expanded mod", can someone help me out w that? thankyou <3
  9. K1kiq

    SMAPI isn't working

    Hello i just updated SMAPI to the new version 4.0.1 and my whole mods cuz of the new version of Stardew Valley. For some reason, SMAPI isn't working. I need help with that pls, thankyou :)
  10. Please tell me how to fix it.

    That's all I need! I'll install SMAPI now. Game path: D:\Xbox\Stardew Valley\Content Color scheme: auto-detect ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding SMAPI files... The installer failed with an unexpected exception. If you need help fixing this...
  11. sinirliyimm

    1.6 Update Wake Up Now

    Brother Eric, wake up, drink your coffee, publish the game well and let us be happy too. :sun:
  12. NoirNeverSore

    Is the return scepter worth it?

    I just found out it existed (because I finally reached enough donations at the museum) and had never heard of it before..
  13. Creator Response Board came in bad shape ,

    center of the board came in creased , torn and crinkled . Really let down this game has taken forever to get here on top of being sold out . Half the cards are peeling with the laminate Really sad about this whole ordeal
  14. Solved [HELP] Missing items

    Hi, I seem to have two problems with the game, it often freezes and I have to go back to the beginning of the day and repeat what I have done. Also when a new day begins, sometimes things are no longer there as in mayonnaise machine and honeymaking machine. Please help!