
  1. ThatWiseSage

    Switch Can’t progress pass Spring 21!

    I can’t progress past day 21 of spring, year 2. I have played the day 3 times, and every time, when I get into bed to go to the next day, a Switch error message says “An error has occurred” and it closes the game. The day goes as follows; I clean my inventory, I collect my errand supplies, I...
  2. Windows Using Alt+Enter to maximize and un-maximize shifts chest UI off screen

    Windows 10, Stardew v1.6.2 build 24081 When you open a chest inventory UI (opening a chest, fishing up a treasure chest, etc.) and then toggle fullscreen using Alt+Enter, the entire inventory UI shifts down and to the right. Repeatedly hitting Alt+Enter shifts the chest UI entirely off the...
  3. Tria the Chicken

    iOS Enricher soft locks the game

    So, this seems to be only happening for one specific enricher in my farm. One behind a scarecrow. When I try putting fertilizer in it, it completely pauses the game. It’s not frozen, for I can still mess around with my toolbar and have my character hold things, but I cannot move them, get them...
  4. Windows Small cutscene bug

    Found that if your married to penny, when she finishes redecorating your room but you also got asked the question of if you want a child or not, then you will be stuck in your bed in a softlock. only being able to exit via closing the game window or via steam. Of course I would try to recreate...
  5. arc1arc2

    Soft Lock Fix

    I was playing Stardew today and used a warp totem to get to the beach on the day of the Spirit's Eve Festival, which starts at 10:00 PM. And when I started to walk back to my farm the game stopped me and said I had to wait to go into pelican town until the festival had started. So I was stuck on...
  6. Windows [BUG] Softlocked from Leah's 6 heart event 1

    Playing on the riverland farm on vanilla 1.5.5, I returned to my farm from the forest and triggered leah's 6 heart event where she gives you the sculpture. I did not skip this event. After the cutscene was over, I simply just could not move in any direction, and nothing I did caused me to move.
  7. Switch [BUG] Cannot proceed to next day

    Hey all, Recently my friend and I have had this issue where the game keeps crashing right as the game is about to save. Some more info: Switch version 1.5 (both up to date) No mods, obviously Both switches are up to date. No corrupted saves found in rudimentary scan. Message: “!The software...
  8. PC [HELP] Donate to Museum soft-lock :( --- can't place item to exit or save --- macOS Steam

    Hello, I came across a soft-lock w donating to Gunther's museum. I'm not precisely sure how to replicate the error again, but I'd just discovered two new minerals inside geodes, and also found duplicates (two new minerals, each new mineral in stack of 2). Also this mollusk-like artifact too. I...