#smapi instaler

  1. Ayuda, SMAPI no me corre

    Logre instalarme smapi pero cuando apreto jugar no se habre el juego, solo aparece la consola por 2s y se cierra, repito el proceso y pasa lo mismo. Información que talvex necesites saber: tengo en "compatibility for 32 bit sistem. the legacy XNA version of stardew Valley" versión 1.6.8 build...
  2. Ayuda, no puedo instalar SMAPI

    Quiero descargar mod en mi stardew valley pero no me deja, creo que es porque lo tengo en "compatibility for 32 bit sistem. the legacy XNA version of stardew Valley" si lo cambio al "legacy 1.5.6" no me corre, alguien sabe que debo hacer?
  3. Issue smapi Stardew Valley crashes, please help me

    When I downloaded the smapi installer and installed smapi Stardew Valley, it crashed after clicking smapi Stardew Valley. Please help me. :cry::cry: The installation failed when I first installed smapi Stardew Valley, so I turned on the advanced installation mode. This time the installation was...
  4. Please tell me how to fix it.

    That's all I need! I'll install SMAPI now. Game path: D:\Xbox\Stardew Valley\Content Color scheme: auto-detect ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding SMAPI files... The installer failed with an unexpected exception. If you need help fixing this...
  5. Android In smapi install I get the error length=3438 index=3438

    A Help, when I am in smapi install and I click install after it goes through approximately 68 percent I get the error length=3438 index=3438. I have already uninstalled the game, smapi and It is not solved