
  1. Mac Quest appearing blank.

    Hi everyone, One of the quests in the journal is appearing completely blank. (I think it is 'build a silo' as I recall that quest popping up and it is now gone) The small triangle icon continues to bob as if there is a line of text that should follow. However, the title and description of the...
  2. Hopper (New Utility)

    Hello o/ I'm currently playing Stardew Valley in its latest version, 1.6.8, I'm loving the update, it was a huge content update and several life improvements. And playing again, I noticed once again an item that has a certain "uselessness", it is very specific to use, I'm talking about the...
  3. Valkyrie_tina

    Windows Animals eat all the hay despite being spring

    My first post, I hope I do everything right. So, I play on my Laptop, 3rd year. I have 2 barns, 2 coops, fully upgraded and deluxed, with autograbbers and heaters, they are not fully filled with animals. I have 3 silos. The first 2 years everything went smoothly. However, that changed in year...
  4. Issue Modded Silo Bugged

    I used the console commands built in with SMAPI to spawn in a Silo and now I have 2 Silo's on my farm that dont work, I can walk through them, and I cant move or demolish them with Robin or the Wizard. I am not sure how to remove them other than using the "removebuildings" command that removes...
  5. Android [BUG] Hay amount is not decreasing

    The amount of hay in my silos is increasing every day, not reducing as it should be. I never put Marnie's shop hay in there or cut any grass. Mobile, 1.4, singleplayer, no mods have ever been installed.
  6. PC [BUG] Animals looking thin despite having food

    I've found that when my silo runs empty but there is still enough hay to fill the troughs my animals will all be grumpy or thin and not eat the hay that's out for them. --This only seems to happen the first time I load the game, then the next day after they will be fine again.
  7. Android [BUG] Hay multiples in Silos

    Mobile version 1.4.5, Samsung-Google Play. Disclaimer: Unsure if it is specified save file or the game itself. The given amount of hay within a silo increases by 15 units every day. This number is added to the amount of hay collected by a scythe, and is not included in the "Hay: x/y" until after...
  8. PC [BUG] Visual bug in the lower left corner with Silo

    Texture in the left corner blink with no reason when there is a silo Four Corners farm Version: 1.5.4 Steam Single Player Spanish in game language I already tried changing resolutions, activating / deactivating Vsync and switching between window, borderless window and full screen and in all...
  9. Switch [BUG] Cutting grass does not give hay

    Hi all, My girlfriend is playing SV on the Switch and is facing the following problem. When cutting grass with a scythe is should produce hay (50% chance). This only works when there is a silo with space. This does not work in her save on Switch. She even started a new playthrough to see if...
  10. Switch [HELP] Hay disappearing from silo

    When I buy or collect hay and put it into my silo (both putting into the silo directly and from the coop/barn) it will disappear within a couple of days, without me filling their feeding things. It only disappears when I put it into the silo though, not when I keep it in a chest.
  11. Solved Crash to desktop when using silo or fish pond (Solved)

    Hi, Using unmodded up to date Stardew on Steam. When trying to access either silos or fish ponds the game crashes to desktop without any error message. It happens both in singleplayer and in local co-op. Playing on english. Resolution 3440*1440@60hz for Stardew.
  12. caitlynscrypt

    PC [BUG] Can't demolish or move the mill/silos

    I have four silos and one mill. I want to rearrange the farm but whenever I try to move or demolish them, nothing happens. I've tried in both Robin's house and the Wizard's house. I'm on Windows 10 using Steam, and pretty sure it's on 1.4.5. It's been like this for about a year (out of game), I...
  13. Mobile Bug - Stardew Mobile ver.

    Hello, I don't have the option to build structures even when I have the materials (trying to build a silo). I'm using a Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 (see attached for full specs)