seed maker

  1. Windows Using Seed Maker crashes to Desktop

    Hello! Whenever I try to use a Seed Maker, the game crashes to Desktop without any error message pop-up. It happens no matter which vegetable/fruit I use, even things that don't produce seeds like Hardwood or Blackberry cause the crash. I tried placing the Seed Maker on the farm and inside the...
  2. Windows Seed Maker crashing the game.

    Hey, guys, I need some help. Playing SV without mods, bought on GOG. I was doing well until try to use the Seed Maker. Anytime i try it, the game just crashes. No error messages, just right to the desktop. Other than this bug, I have no issues. I attached the log file and the save file. It´s...
  3. Mac Seed maker not working on macOS

    whenever I try to use a seedmaker, it cant receive the fruit/veg and it doesnt work. that happened in all saves I have in macOS.
  4. Linux Machines not working

    Some machines has completely stopped working for me. So far I found out about the seed maker and incubator in the deluxe coop. It is like this for all my different "worlds". It doesn't work too make new ones, restart the game or anything I can think of. When I press them it is just like I...
  5. ikeashark4life

    Xbox My Qi beans aren't going in the seed maker

    I recently unlocked Qi's Walnut Room and have been trying my best to finish his Quests. At the moment I'm doing Qi's crop. I checked the wiki on what's the best way to go about and it said I can place the Qi beans into the seed makers to duplicate them, but when I tried to do so it wouldn't let...
  6. 3emadp

    Your opinions on seed makers?

    I wanna discuss about this because I feel an underrated machine I see people neglect a lot Because instead of buying for example a parsnip seed for 20g and getting 15g profit. You'll get this seed for free and have full profit (35g). It would be a great source of income especially with...
  7. PC Weeds destroying seed maker

    Woke up in the morning and got the "Weeds have caused damage on your farm" message, so I went around my whole farm checking all the paths and fences but couldn't find any damage. I thought I had just missed the damaged tile, but then I saw that my seed maker had been destroyed by a weed. I know...
  8. Switch Anciens seed

    Sometines when you change fruit in seed you get anciens seed. But I got anciens seed like 30% of the time. I don't think it's normal, i can't be that lucky.