
  1. [Android] Option to change the save game location.

    Hi, this is a simple suggestion specifically regarding the Android Port of Stardew Valley and its handling of savegames. Right now the game saves both its savegames and screenshots to the Android/data/com.chucklefish.stardewvalley/files/ location. For phones that run Android 10 or older there is...
  2. PlayStation [HELP] Load Splitscreen Co-op

    Hey, my girlfriend and me are enjoying a splitscreen session on the PS5. I set up the farm in Coop and the second controller was for her character is logged in as "Quick Game" at the playstation. Now I'm afraid that if we close the game and I want to load the save Game again, that she will lose...
  3. PC [HELP] How to resurrect a save game that no longer successfully hosts multiplayer on local LAN

    Can anyone suggest what fixes a savegame file might need to re-establish the ability to host multiplayer on the local LAN ? One day my daughters were not able to play together - a real mystery, assume all network / OS / obvious stuff was checked. Eventually, I tried hosting from an older...
  4. Save option

    Please add a feature that allows players to save in the middle of a day.
  5. MonkeySR1

    Android [Bug] Previous save issue

    Dear stardewvalley devs, Problem: It appears swap to previous save does not as expected restore to this mornings save, but the save of the previous morning, losing more than a whole day of gameplay/progress. Expected Result: swap to previous save loads the last save point (this days morning)...
  6. Luceat

    Solved [HELP] Drop PS4 savegame to Mobile?

    Title says it all. Is there a chance, that i can copy my savegame from PS4 to my mobile-version of STV?