
  1. Switch [BUG] Too many animals in my barn

    Okay so i have two deluxe barns full of pigs each at full hearts. A couple in-game weeks ago i sold a pig as i put a ostrich egg in the incubator. Seemed to be an intuitive step but its caused this odd glitch, i cant seem to find any articles on it so far. So at the end of the 10 days of ostrich...
  2. Windows Help, my pigs won't stop walking up and down [SOLVED]

    Okay, I know this sounds weird but hear me out. Every morning my pigs will come out of the barn and act totally normal, walking around in their fenced enclosure. After a while, at least one (1) pig will start walking from the barn down to the fence and back. Always up and down. Nonstop. For the...