
  1. iOS Roomate/Partner (NPC) going out of bounds after running into obstruction in home.

    version 1.6.15 build 24354 - IOS - English - Single Player (side note: It fixed itself after closing and opening the world again.)
  2. Android bug dos npcs e mina no multiplayer

    bug ao retornar nos jogo, após salvar os npcs na área eles ficam parados as vezes o dia todo, os q não estão na área andam normalmente! e tem outro bug no multiplayer que o personagem dos amigos param de andar nas minas!
  3. Android Post backup bug

    When I load a backup save, sometimes villagers in the middle of walking when I logged off will be standing still. And NPCs that were supposed to be sitting in the saloon or playing pool will just stand there not doing their animations or sitting on chairs
  4. MissDandy

    Relating to NPCs

    I wanted to talk about the NPCs a little bit, just because. More specifically, which NPC do you personally feel like you can relate to the most? Thought it might be fun to talk about. I feel like I can really relate to Sandy. She's out there in the desert all alone all day, but she still has a...