
  1. Switch Crashing bug when opening Artifact Troves

    Ever since the update that came out a few minutes ago, whenever I get Clint to break open a Artifact Trove the game immediately crashes just before he cracks it open !
  2. Switch Movie theater crash (ver.

    I invited i krobus to the movie theater, and it worked until I tried to start the movie. I was playing on multiplayer, and its pretty stressful, cuz it happened twice after doing all my massive watering. Please fix, its REALLY annoying.
  3. Mac Joycon Macbook Stardew not working

    Was on a previous thread and didnt understand much. Ive tried a few things on steam (setting up the controllers via bluetooth, enabling steam imput in controller settings and then disabling steam imput in override for stardew valley controller settings, disconnecting and reconecting controlers...
  4. mclennisonstarr

    Switch anyone wanna play stardew? (15 yrs max) CLOSED

    im only looking for people 15 and under to play as I'm young CENTRAL TIME ZONE i can get on between 8am-8pm ill typically play around 12pm-3pm NO MIC, NO SOCIALS, JUST STARDEW no shared money, standard farm my switch account is in my profile NOT ALWAYS AVAILABLE, LIMITED TIME AS I HAVE LOTS OF...
  5. baskisto

    How do I check my seed on console? (Nintendo)

    Is there a way to check your world seed on console, or is it impossible?
  6. GhostPie

    Switch [BUG] Slingshot ammo doesn't add like fishing rod

    On the Nintendo Switch, 1) I go to my inventory and I see I have 23 stones 2) I select all 23 stones by pressing the "A" button 3) I move the stones over to the slot that has my slingshot -- my slingshot has 10 stones of ammo When I try to drop the ammo onto my slingshot by pressing the "Y"...
  7. Switch [HELP] Nintendo Switch game freezing during multiplayer

    Titel pretty much says it all but here are the details. My wife and I bought SDV on christmas and soon after we bought Nintendo Online because Local multiplayer kept kicking me out the session. So we hoped online would fix this problem which it did. But with that solution came a new issue. My...
  8. Switch [BUG] Switch Lite

    Is anyone else's game glitching where it just freezes for a few seconds then continues like normal???? Also is there a way to transfer my switch progress to PC?
  9. Switch [BUG] Infinite Update Download Loop

    Hi so my wife and I are trying to play Stardew Valley together! I purchased a physical copy of the game and it works flawlessly! When we decided that we wanted to play together we bought a digital copy for her switch after messing around with the game some on my switch. We played on her...