night market

  1. PlayStation Leo 9-heart on Night Market day Black Screen

    Triggered Leo's 9-heart event on Winter 15, when Night Market is active, and after first two scenes, screen goes black and does not transition to beach scene of Leo watching Willy fish. Repeatable on 16th and 17th as well. Event plays to completion on the 18th. In black screen, it is as though...
  2. SPOILERS - Late game fishing

    Hey there :) So I really enjoy fishing, and I know that late game it mostly isn't really worth it anymore... But I did find some things that I still find useful: - fishing up useful fish for recipes like Eel, Midnight Carp, Flounder, Sea Cucumber or in gamefiles where I'm not maxed out yet...
  3. Windows [BUG] Dialogue Shortcut during Night Market

    When I went to just hit the Y key instead of hitting "Yes" for the dialogue to go down in the fishing boat, it took the 1000g but the boat did not move and the dialogue box for Yes/No was still open. I could repeat hitting the Y key and spending 1000g without actually prompting the boat to go...
  4. Mac Night Market Fishing Deducting Coins w/o Starting

    When I talk to the Night Market fishing person and press 'Y' on my keyboard to purchase the ticket, the 1000g is deducted but the fishing does not start unless you use your mouse to click the option manually, where another 1000g is deducted.
  5. Switch [GLITCH] Night market's submarine is only blue tiles

    Hello, I used to play only on PC but recently got the game on the switch, my version is currently the I'm still in the first year in the switch, and it's winter. When I enter the submarine in the night market, almost everything is blue. I cannot interact with anything. The screen also...
  6. PC Rarecrow bug? #help

    Hi I'm new here, I am on year 6 winter the 18th (day after the night market event is over) I have gotten all of the rarecrows and the day after getting #3 from the casino I woke up to no letter for the recipe for the deluxe scarecrow. So I walked around my farm and looked through all the ones i...
  7. Issue Modding error undefined

    Went to the Night Market Y1 and the game promptly crashed.
  8. PC [BUG] Mermaid Show Stopped When I Opened My Inventory

    I started the Mermaid Show like usual during the winter Night Market but when I opened my inventory to double-check secret note #15 the singing stopped and now it won't continue even though I've closed my inventory.