
  1. iOS Cannot get interact with my teammates

    I’m hoping someone can help me with an issue I’ve run into while playing Stardew Valley on iOS. I recently transferred my Steam save file to the iOS version by saving the local files, and I successfully set up a multiplayer game with my teammate over LAN. The save I transferred was from a file...
  2. PC alguien que quiera empezar una granja (spanglish)

    No he jugado nunca este juego y creo que sería más divertido jugarlo con alguien, soy de Chile y hablo un poquito de inglés, (I speak a little bit english)
  3. noedmillie

    PC Multiplayer Issue PC Game Pass

    Hey Me and my friend both want to play a multiplayer Stardew Valley playthrough and both play through PC Xbox App/Game Pass, but when either of us host a Co-op game and press windows+G to open xbox tab, we are unable to invite eachother or infact anybody to either of our worlds, why is this...
  4. Windows I cannot join with my character on my gf's farm

    So, months ago we started playing stardew valley via LogMein Hamachi, but after some time I had to reboot my pc. After that, I couldn't join the farm anymore. But, days ago we bought Stardew Valley on Steam and we tried joining the farm again but then it appears a message that says: "This...
  5. Windows I can't enter co-op. Black screen appears and mouse cursor remains stuck while loading

    First of all, I deleted and reinstalled the game to fix this. I verified the files on Steam. I tried without mods. And these didn't work. The problem is, I'm in co-op, Since we are friends on Steam, my friends' games appear on my screen. I click and enter the game. Then I choose myself. After...
  6. Windows My game crashes

    My game always crashes when I try to start, a Local Coop being the host, I don't know if the same happens when I try to connect to a farm as I haven't had the opportunity yet. However, I know that when I finish customizing the character, and I click on the button that creates the farm, it...
  7. Windows Feeding animals journal quest.

    While playing in multiplayer (and not being the host) I have built 2 silos and have not yet completed the quest. Though the host has "completed" the quest and has not built a silo. Help! Please. Most gracious ConcernedApe. ❤️
  8. Windows Stardrop In The Mines Missing

    Hiii! I'm on my way to perfection in a multiplayer world (i'm the host) and i've currently been trying to figure this out for a couple hours now. I'm year 4 and checked a perfection list after realizing my boyfriend had an extra star drop and i didn't, and somehow i missed level 100 mines...
  9. Cupid creeps

    Switch Looking for someone to play stardew with!

    does anyone need a stardew buddy T T, i think it would be nice to play starew with someone so i wanted to give it a try, im looking for long term players and ill be making a new farm for those who want to play w me!
  10. Devxls

    Windows Co-op Save On Xbox to Steam (Multiplayer)

    Hey, I bought the Xbox pass for 1€ this summer and then i bought Stardew on Steam since was on Sale both my friend and I. But he just had to transfer the save (He is the host) but when I try to join i get the "This character belongs to another person"! Is there anyways to fix this? So i can...
  11. Mac Keep crashing in co-op

    I crash every few minutes when I'm doing co-op. I don't have any mods and I can't figure out why I keep crashing or how to fix it. Help? It's getting frustrating to my playing...
  12. PC Looking for someone or some people to play with?

    Hii! I'm looking for someone to play Stardew valley with? If u want to my discord is: isah8899#4705
  13. Remiias

    PC Looking for a long-term group (18+)

    Hi all! I'm 23 years old, Dutch and I've been playing Stardew Valley for quite some time now (few years) and I absolutely love the game! I'm looking for people that want to play together for like 1-3 times per week. Abigail is my favourite NPC so please consider her already occupied when we...
  14. laurka

    very important question

    G.I play multiplayer with my two friends. I am going to marry friend 1. Can friend 2 marry an NPC? Sorry but i can't explain better.
  15. Mac [HELP] Coop issues

    My girlfriend and I play together all the time, I play PC and she plays Mac. The recent updates have caused us a lot of issues. The first stopped her from launching the game, then the following update allowed her to launch again but despite all of our efforts to restart the game, steam, Mac...
  16. YourFriendlySkoomaDealer

    PC 21f looking for players

    Hi, I'm looking for some people to have a chilled out Stardew Valley experience with. I'm really experienced with the game but I'm happy to have new players as long as they're willing to learn. My sleep schedule is pretty whack, so I play during EST mostly. YourFriendlySkoomaDealer#0775 is my...
  17. Switch Multiplayer bug

    Hi! I have a switch lite, my sister has a regular switch. We are trying to play stardew valley local co-op, but whenever one of us attempts to join the other’s co-op farm, the farm will pop up as available to join, but when we click it it automatically takes us back to the title screen. Both of...
  18. Solved Co-Op down

    Multiplayer is down. "enter invite code" button is missing. Boyfriend and I been playing through steam.
  19. PC [HELP] Game crashes when opening inventory

    We are currently playing stardew with 5 people we have 2 mods "unlimited players" and "unique children" we somehow got a horse stuck in one of the houses after that every other time we open our inventory the game crashes for that person. It has yet to crash the host though. Not sure if horse is...
  20. PC Looking for chill people to play :)

    I am looking for people who want to have fun, play together and maybe make some friends. I don't have an age preference, anyone who wants to join is very welcome. I am 17 years old and English is not my first language, but I can speak it pretty well. If you are interested, you can find me on...