
  1. Xbox Lost half my money

    I had about $25 million and i woke up and had only 19 i exited out hoping that would fix it and suddenly my farm only has 11 million. I’ve spent 300 hours on this farm and this was just really disheartening to lose over half my money. Not sure what can be done to fix this but i wanted to at post...
  2. Sulti

    Lost my money

    I sold many items worth around 1.200.000G, but the game didn't count it. I literally lost my money:( Does anyone know why this happened and what can I do?
  3. Shireal

    PlayStation [BUG] My money disappeared

    So I just opened the game and started my save, and I noticed that 1 million G had just disappeared. I'm on year 5, and this is the first time it had happened. I tried to quit the game and open it again but the gold is gone. All that truffleoil, mayonnaise and cheese hustling for nothing 😟
  4. iOS [BUG] Income will not exceed 918148g, extra money gets lost

    Hi, I play the IOS version on my mobile phone. For the past 3 days IG I’ve realised that no matter what my end of day income is, when I wake up in the morning the total amount of money I have will not exceed 918148g. I noticed this as the last time I went to sleep with around 870000g on me, and...