

    i load the smapi mods to my game but with the update that came my mods were noy avaliable to play so i want to get rid of from the mods but i deleted the one of the game files by mistake i made this mistake long time ago when i tried the open the game it wont start i tried delete and load again...
  2. Issue Added some dialogue mods, now Shane doesn't know who I am?

    UPDATE: Okay, never mind, folks. We figured it out through the art of READING THE POST HISTORY ON NEXUS. This happens with Lasting Conversation Topics by default but doesn't seem to be a long term thing. I'm married to a very modded Shane and we just had our first child. I just added in Unique...
  3. rahhhh

    Mod updating help

    Hi I’m back again and confused. Like before I’m new to playing with mods so this will be my first time going through updates and first I need to update smapi and I want to do everything correctly. So can someone walk me through it and also updating individual mods please I’m desperate lol.
  4. BloodSeiryu

    SMAPI Modded Help

    I really hope I am posting this in the right place. I'm pretty desperate so I hope someone is able to help me. Recently updated the game and SMAPI (and most of my mods) but I'm getting tons of warnings and errors in SMAPI, most of which I have no idea what they mean. Can someone take a look at...
  5. Mira__Exists

    daisyniko's maps - zenith farm unofficial update?

    hi! short question, but i saw that daisyniko's policies for updates are that anyone can share them with credit, just wondering if anyone has a personal update? it seems like daisyniko probably isn't going to update it :,) the issues aren't big, but it's missing its added minecart compatibility...
  6. ItsAlyys

    My mod dosent work!

    Hi! i'm new to the game (i bought stardew valley 1 week ago) and, i've been trying to get into modding, ive installed smapi, and a lot of my mods work! but idk why yesterday my content patcher mod just stopped working, and, i really love the mods that need content patcher, but i just cant get it...
  7. Help fixing an annoying error

    I'm in the process of trying to clean up all errors to make my game run better since I went crazy with the mods but one I came figure out. Error: Event '-5005' in location 'Farm' has invalid event precondition 'd Mon Tue Wen Thu Fri Sat': can't parse 'Wen' as a day of week. I looked in...
  8. anxiety_rocks

    PC Joint mods with multiplayer

    I've been playing Stardew Valley and have convinced my friends to get it so we can play together. I'm wondering which of my installed mods my friends would need to get as well so it doesn't mess up the game (I would be hosting the farm.) Here's my list of mods: - AutoFish - Automate - CJB Cheats...
  9. Issue Help needed with Content Patcher!

    Hi, I have an issue with content patcher. It looks like following: [Content Patcher] Some content packs haven't been updated for Stardew Valley 1.6.0. Content Patcher will try to auto-migrate them, but compatibility isn't guaranteed. Affected content packs: - OhoDavi's StardewValley Anime Mods...
  10. Looking for a mod to increase weapon drops in the mines...

    Hey, As the title says I'm looking to find a mod that increases the likelihood of special items e.g. weapons and shoes, from crates and barrels when you break them in the mines. I used to play with MARGO (combat module), when it was still compatible during 1.5 and got used to this whilst...
  11. SMAPI not working - cant use mods

    A few months ago, i was able to use smapi perfectly fine, but now, it doesnt even run when I open the game. I tried going into the file and starting the application from there, but it just flashes the "code" looking screen and instantly disappears, without openning the game. Because of this, i...
  12. Windows A Weird Bug Where I Get out of bounds after a cutscene

    Hello everyone! I hope someone can help me I've stumbled upon a weird bug where after some cutscenes I can't see myself and sometimes get out of bounds. It happened after elliot's heart event where they drink and a cutscene with Marlon introducing Krobus in Stardew Valley Expanded mod Smapi...
  13. Issue The game crashes with mods

    I had one problem when creating a new game, when loading at home, the game started crashing, alas, I cannot understand the power of crash logs. if there is someone who knows how to solve the problem, tell me what my problem is.
  14. Issue i can't open my saves using smapi

    when I start the game using smapi, as soon as I enter the save list, this is displayed. without mods, everything works normally, the same when I create a new character using smapi. I've never had such a problem and I don't know what could be the cause because everything worked fine the day...
  15. staticducky

    co-op not loading? only black screen

    my smapi folder - my friends - Hi! So me and my friend were trying to start a new co-op farm but whenever one of us tried to join we were greeted with a black screen and all we could do...
  16. PhantomLady

    Hey, I need help please

    Hello fellow Stardew players. I´m currently trying to get my mods working and mostly they are working perfectly fine, but there are a few, like [Blackberry Fields Farm, ATM, Cooking Skill, Crop Harwest Bubble, DaisyNiko´s Mods, Fantasy Crops, Floral Tools, Gender Neutrility, Nightmare´s...
  17. Mods not updated, can I play on an older version

    I just recently got Stardew on PC and want to play a modded playthrough. Sadly, a lot of the mods I want to use have yet to be updated for 1.6. Is there any way that I can play on an older version of the game so that the mods will work properly/at all? I've seen a lot of people say to save an...
  18. College Boy Mike bug

    Hi, Someone knows how to fix the bus station bug? I installed Mike's mod but it stays in the bus station and he doesn't even show up, although I can see him it is on the map. or just know if there is a non-official mod?
  19. KramplessHeaven

    Question Modding barn animals - a couple of questions!!

    Good morning!! Me and my partner have recently started working on our very first mod for Stardew Valley adding some brand new barn animals to the game! We obviously want them to be as good as possible and even though we have many ideas I'm still not completely familiar with the game's code...
  20. nesdewvalley

    Looking For: Mountain Maps with Sky

    Hi everyone! I was wondering if there's currently any updated 1.6 custom maps that are similar to this one: [CP] *Farm* Retexture ‘Farm with a view of the sky’? I just really want to play on a map that has elevated levels that show the sky in the background lol.