
  1. An error occurred in the base update loop: System. Exception: Error on new day

    Hello! Could someone assist me, please? I've encountered an error message that says: "An error occurred in the base update loop: System.Exception: Error on new day." Unfortunately, I'm unable to load a new day because my screen turns black. I've attached my log for reference. Could you please...
  2. game keeps crashing

    I am playing on my friend's server and sometimes when I visit different parts of the map my game gets stuck in the loading screen and I get this error message in my command line. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you!! [game] An error occurred in the base update loop...
  3. nawceq

    Custom Furniture Issues: Game crashes and becomes unresponsive when opening

    Hello! I'm new here and not good with code or file manipulation... since the last update of the Custom Furniture mod and SpaceCore, my game doesn't work, it opens but the graphics are crooked and it crashes, stopping responding and causing me to have to close it again. Can someone help me??
  4. Issue Help! Crash when walk on fish pond (Mobile)

    I need help, my game just crash and closed everytime walk to my fishpond. I've try reinstall, but nothing changed. I dont know how to fix this (': (I play on Android) Here my log: https://smapi.io/log/1ab8d46f9d0240e8a79bbc6ae6aa0fad
  5. Solved Clothing slot visual bug

    So I have a lot of mods for my stardew and I've managed to fix most of the problems I get coming up, but I'm not too sure what is up with the brown spaces where clothe icon is for both shirts and pants? If anyone might know or could help me out I'd appreciate it ! :)