mod support

  1. Game failing to launch

    I am on windows and own the game through Steam but I launch the game through Stardrop. I have not played Stardew in a couple of months but after updating all of my mods and SMAPI, I am unable to launch the game. The SMAPI window pops up and after a minute or two I get a crash report. I have...
  2. chestnuts18

    Question Seek help! My mod has a Sprites display bug

    As the title suggests, my mods will not read in the game. Specifically, press the esc key to appear in the interface to select social, the thumbnail is normal, but click on the big picture to dynamic or the original. I don't know what's going on, can anyone help me.My mod tail number is 30278...
  3. Error Code -36 when adding mods to mod folder. Please help!

    The Problem: I haven't seen anyone have this issue before so I was hoping to get some clarity of what my next steps should be. After following all the steps to download all the necessary files for some mods I wanted to use (Extended, Immersive Spouses, Date Night to start with) as well as...
  4. dragonlikeLeaves

    Question Help with switching between modded and vanilla

    Hello! So after I heard more about Stardew Valley Expanded from a friend of mine, I went and installed SMAPI as one of the first steps to downloading the mod. I haven't downloaded everything I need for SDVE yet because I want to figure out how to switch between modded and vanilla when it comes...
  5. Broken Mod?

    I’ve just started modding the game. I usually play the vanilla game on my switch but I thought “hey, why not try modding?”. Anyway I downloaded dcburger’s Portraits Mod because it’s got great reviews and looks amazing, and I made sure to have all the additional mod files downloaded, and that...
  6. Undare Devious Valley

    I downloaded this mod because I wanted to test it out and see how it runs in the game. Some parts of it I do not like, specifically the "Professor" character and this fraternity stuff Undare made. I tried asking for help on how to remove them and what to do and Undare responded by essentially...
  7. Modding Help!.... please.

    Hello, Recently I started modding stardew and have run into a few problems. It seems that smapi is having problem with finding outputs, fuels, being unable to set produce and deluxe produce items, removing npcs, aswell as not adding certain modded items. im not sure if any of the previously...
  8. Game Save going straight back to game loading screen

    I've been trying to access my saved game in SDV but every time I try to open it the concerned ape loading screen comes back and reloads the game. I've included all the mods I use plus a screenshot of the error shown. there's an additional error at the top about a different save called Barnables...
  9. Issue my game no longer loads after going to sleep

    Hi, I'm new here but I've been playing for a while and I've put a lot of effort into my main save. My current problem is that when I try to sleep (to save the day's progress and simply continue the game), the screen goes black as if it's perpetually loading and the SMAPI tab kind of spams a lot...
  10. Issues installing SMAPI

    I got Stardew on my PC a couple days ago, specifically because I wanted to mod it, but I've been having a continuous with installing SMAPI. I've gone through all the steps, I've opened the game before attempting install, unzipped the file, even tried to do it manually, but I just can't get it to...
  11. Issue Game Freezing/Crashing On New Game.

    Hi there, I've recently started playing again and after updating my mods, my game refuses to load a new game. I can create my character, pick my farm and watch the intro cutscene, but as soon as the game tries to load the farm or farm house the game freezes and SMAPI stops responding. My log is...