mod bug

  1. npcs stuck???

    i'm so confused!! this keeps happening over and over again. at first, i thought my game just bugged out, so i closed it and restarted. but it happened again and again and again. my game is modded quite a bit, but this has never happened before :( does anyone know how to solve this? edit: i'm...
  2. Blossom5280

    Starter Package will not show up!

    Platform: Windows (Steam) Game version: 1.6.15 (Steam) SMAPI log: Steps to reproduce: 1. Install All Listed Mods in my smapi log 2. test the list with all farm types. (so far it won't give me anything when i ran the Forest and the...
  3. Small Fish Ponds bug?

    I’m not sure if anyone else is having this issue but I finally updated my smaller fish ponds mod last night and now my game won’t save at the end of the day. My game log says: [game] saveTask failed with an exception InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the XML document. -->...
  4. NPCs are merging

    Hi! I am playing a solo moded game for the first time (I have a multiplayer vanilla too) It appears that randomly some NPCs will decide to merge one day and sometimes to top it all get on an unreachable place so you can't even talk to them to try to trigger some event to make them split and go...
  5. Game failing to launch

    I am on windows and own the game through Steam but I launch the game through Stardrop. I have not played Stardew in a couple of months but after updating all of my mods and SMAPI, I am unable to launch the game. The SMAPI window pops up and after a minute or two I get a crash report. I have...
  6. Issue [SOLVED] "Empty folder" error

    Hey everyone, I'm trying to make a mod to change Haleys portraits, it is my first time modding any game so I don't really know what could be wrong. I will include in the thread a picture of the SMAPI log and an image of the assets folder, confirming that it is not empty.
  7. My stable will not update with installed mods??

    Hii, I found super cute mods for the farm buildings but am running into an issue where only my stable will not update? All my other buildings are updated perfectly fine (house, greenhouse, sheds, barns, coops, etc), but for some reason, only the stable won't! I even tried it with a few different...
  8. Cannot upgrade tools (FIXED DW ANYMORE)

    Set myself in quite the bind due to testing out multiple upgrade tool mods (one at a time ofc) And now whenever i click on upgrade tools it just retracts i used this mod with the instant upgrade thingy, and that created problems, i thought i had...
  9. JuniTeo

    Distant lands mod - Issue with wizard's quest

    Hello, so I installed distant lands mod. A few game days after I get a quest from the wizard to get the fruit from the witch swamp and to bring 10 deluxe fertilizers. I go to the witch swamp and complete the cutscene where my character gets the fruit, then my quest is updated to bring 10 deluxe...
  10. Friend's game freezes whenever he passes the buss or town "cutscene"

    Hi, I've made a modded map with my friend and everything seems to work just fine for me but for him, once he tries to go into the town he usually crashes right as he enters the bus part. It's not a black screen or anything, his screen just freezes. We really tried a lot of things and I'm making...
  11. tempestisinpain

    I made a mistake

    I play stardew valley on a android device, (revvl 6 pro) I was trying to download mods with smapi, and Nexus, I misinterpreted instructions and deleted stardew valley, after I thought I had the mod downloaded, I opened stardew valley and my saves were nowhere to be found. Can someone help me...
  12. Moonnbunn

    SMAPI says no manifest.json but there is one

    Two of the mods I downloaded load just fine but 3 of them (which are content packs btw) are bringing up errors. I really need help bc I'm a first time modder and don't really know what I'm doing
  13. Issue Iridium Scythe Turned into a Tempered Galaxy Sword

    I was playing last night and my game crashed. It might've been related to one of the mods to let your children grow up, since once my kid aged up, the game seemed to not like it and took time to load the day. When I booted up again this morning, it takes a minute to load into the game and when...
  14. sol4rm00n

    Teleport Mod for SVE

    Hello! I currently have a teleportation mod downloaded; it's called Stardew Valley Map Teleport-21381-1-0-2-1711798416 in files but Nexus is down and I can't grab the link; I recently downloaded Stardew Valley Expanded along with the Farm Type Manager that was needed and my teleportation doesn't...
  15. Windows Mods are not working for me

    hi, I've played SV several times on my smartphone, and now this is one of my first times playing it on the computer. Today I went to download mods for myself and everything is fine, but when I log in, smapi says that there are only 2 mods there, which are the ones that come with smapi, but...
  16. Endercat_HD

    Issue Modded World is not working!

    Hey! I've been playing Stardew Valley with mods for the first time in the last few weeks, watching tutorials and everything went smoothly! But a week ago Stardew Valley released a small fix update on Steam, and since then I haven't been able to join my world. I tried everything that was...
  17. jolynee

    Issue Log panel dissapearing?? - Solved

    Hello everyone! I just recently got into stardew valley and i downloaded a ton of mods. I noticed my log panels kind-of dissapeared for some reason but it was only one of them? I have a single huge panel where my spouse room is that seems fine but in my kitchen near the steps one is missing and...
  18. Windows Stardew mod can't apply image patch

    I've been trying for hours to understand the problem, I've already uninstalled requirements and tried to download again, I've tried to find newer versions of all of them and I still can't run this specific mod "DCBurger's". I used it a lot, until I stopped playing for a few months and updates...
  19. Kingi

    Issue Broken Collections Tabs

    After updating my game and mods to 1.6 my collection tab has been messed up. I had every single fish before the update and after it all my modded fish have disappeared, with the SVE ones being in the forage/crops tab. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    game crashes just as I load modded save

    for starters, I made an account just for this! so sorry if i miss any rules or anything! - i'm on steam btw! i have multiple modded saves (SDVE and some spouse mods) and a totally vanilla save, when 1.6 came out, i took SMAPI outta my launch as i'm a completly mod free achievement hunter. Once...