minor visual bug

  1. Magically Clueless

    Please Read REPORT 1.6 ISSUES HERE!

    PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES IN YOUR GAME HERE! Please be aware that spoilers ARE allowed in this thread! A template you can follow: explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); full error text (if any); what OS you are using; in-game language; single-player or...
  2. Windows Bear decoration bug in museum.

    As you can see in the image, placing down the bear decoration in that place just bugs it out. It should be so that the counter is not visible behind the bear. And I have not tested it, but I presume that in other places it might bug out like this too.
  3. Windows Some title screen parts move to the left

    When clicking the leafs on the title sreen to show the junimos or the E to show the alien easter egg and then attempting to create a new farm but exiting the create menu moves both the junimos and the black square a bit to the left everytime you do this
  4. Android UI bug

    I already posted but I got no replies so here we go again i guess.. I already deleted and reinstalled but this is what happened. I don't know as to why it bugged out really. I suspect it's my own phone but I really don't know. The only thing that would somewhat help is if I use full screen...
  5. margotbean

    Windows [BUG] Minor visual bug during Leo 4-heart event

    Windows (Steam) v1.5.6 Singleplayer Language: English Very minor visual bug. During Leo's 4-heart event, the missing top of the volcano is visible. Playing in 1920x1080 resolution on a 24" monitor.
  6. verndusk

    Windows [BUG] Clipping of ground layer over trees near cave

    As seen above, there's some ground layer poking up above the trees, not game breaking or anything - just thought I'd share, in fact, I didn't really notice it until I was sitting AFK. I'm on Y2 Autumn, doesn't fix itself when I enter in and out of the farm area. Figure it's just a layer issue...
  7. SurfingMimikyu

    Windows [Bug] Taking a steam screenshot visually breaks the game

    Every time I take a screenshot with steam overlay's built in screenshot feature the game glitches out and becomes a black screen with a small white box. Taking a screenshot via any other means is fine it's just the Steam screenshot that breaks it. The problem persists in both windowed and...
  8. Xbox Odd visual glitch (Minor Bug)

    Posting this as the person who reported it on discord felt it was too minor to so this is all the information I have gotten. When dismounting my horse sideways, directly next to the farm obelisk, while wearing a green turban, a second turban appears more than a couple of pixels above the one I...
  9. dial000

    Switch [BUG] Cooked Item Collection Visual Bug

    When you enter the cooked items list in the collections tab, run your cursor over the items and then move the cursor back to the left tab, the details for the last cooked item hovered over by the cursor will still be displayed. This visual bug continues until a new collection tab is opened and...
  10. Android [BUG] Visual bug thing

    I found this visual bug which is useless it won't be abusing the game cuz it's visual so here the default or the thing in the table the decoration there when you are new in your farm when you double clicked or spam clicked it it will say in the bottom left of the screen that the decoration...
  11. gerryfarm

    Android [BUG] Minor visual bug when handling item "Green Stool"

    Dark, backlight circle around the character. Disappears if item isn't selected.
  12. PC [BUG] Visual bug in the lower left corner with Silo

    Texture in the left corner blink with no reason when there is a silo Four Corners farm Version: 1.5.4 Steam Single Player Spanish in game language I already tried changing resolutions, activating / deactivating Vsync and switching between window, borderless window and full screen and in all...
  13. Switch [BUG] Child Became Spinning Rectangle

    My girlfriend and I each have a Nintendo Switch. We installed the 1.5 update and began playing together. She, having added a cabin for me on her farm, is hosting, and we play using local co-op. Her character was already married to Maru and they decided to have a child. At first when my character...
  14. Android [BUG] Minor visual bug - one-harvest crops

    Hello, I found a minor visual bug and I want to report it. If you harvest crops while holding seeds, the green indicator squares don't show up until you plant one seed. Once you plant it, any empty field will be marked as green. Platform: Android Version: Device: Motorola G8 Plus
  15. PC [BUG] Mill clips through hill on beach farm

    The mill clips through the top hill leading to the mountain if placed to the right of the cave on the beach farm on 1.5.2 (English, single-player), but it still functions. I have only had the mill during winter, so unsure if it happens in other seasons.
  16. PC [BUG] Wrong Recipe in Collection

    I talked to that racoon bear mix, whatever it is, and it asked for something. In my collection I saw by the picture that it was Cheese Cauliflower, but the ingredients surprised me. It asks for 1 Wood and 2 Sap to make it. In my Kitchen it asks for 1 Cauliflower and 1 Cheese, as it should. Upon...
  17. PC [BUG] Multiplayer Community Center Teleport Fishing Glitch

    It was really hard to fit the entire explanation into the title. So basically, in multiplayer, when one player activates the community center cutscene (the first one, which teleports everyone to town) while another player is fishing, there is a graphical glitch which resolves when the fishing...
  18. Android [BUG] Black bars on top of screen

    I played this game for almost a week now, and today when i was just about to continue my game, i found out there's black bars in top of my screens, and it's really been bothering me. The game works just fine, but the bars is just annoying and its limiting the screen. I restarted the game, even...
  19. PC [BUG] Skill menu button in the Inventory doesnt show accesories [TESTED WITH GLASSES AS SHOWN ON SCREENSHOT]

    Hello , I found that bug by playing like , 3 mins on a new save , its visual , not important , but still strange. As shown in the screenshot , its minor. (if the screenshot doesnt load , ping me or pm me on discord , I will resend it)