lost items

  1. Switch I lost my fish!

    I was looking at the stats of a stingray I caught at 7:40 pm on an even non rainy day,and when the pirates kicked me out it erased the fish:defeated:. I kinda expected it but I wanted to at least test if it would get rid of my fish or put it in my inventory. It wasn't my first stingray or even...
  2. Windows Lost Pickaxe???!!

    I can’t seem to find my pickaxe. I’ve check all my chests and it is no where to be found. I’ve waited a couple of days to see if it would get mailed to me but it hasn’t turned up. I usually never take it out of my bags. Please help!!
  3. Windows Tiny bug or?

    I was cutting down some trees and the wood got stuck on the upper ledge? This isn't a huge inconvenience, but it's something to keep in mind, in my pinion at least:)
  4. Adding Special Items to Catalogue Once You Unlock Them

    I've noticed while checking out several communities on different websites that a really common problem as far as furniture goes is losing special furniture items that you unlock by completing the museum or via other means. Currently, modding appears to be the only way to retrieve lost special...
  5. PC [HELP] Lost Items

    Well umm hi, so I'm kinda new to the game and anyways I just learned that I can put the chests where I want. So I put them by the ocean and put my rod and hoe in that chest and went sleeping... In the morning when I went back to my chest, the chest wasn't there (neither my rod nor my hoe) and I...
  6. PC [HELP] Lost Itemslost items,

    Play on PC Year 4 Fall day 10 Woke up in bed hit sleep again by accident woke up Day 11 but all items in Backpack gone. Can not go back to before they where missing. Lost all Gold tools