
  1. PC [BUG] Screen flickering when moving sideways on 1440p monitor (Fullscreen/Windowed Borderless/Windowed)

    Hi All! I've been having this problem since I got the game and I really couldn't get around it. The only solution was to slightly change the zoom level, but this made the game a bit blurry. This light flickering with almost invisible diagonal lines occurs only when moving sideways, doesn't...
  2. VerdentAmbustio

    PC [BUG] Lines above character sprite

    Version: 1.5.4 Found when character returned from large bath room to the women's locker room. From then on, it occurs when the character is in regular clothes (all directions) and a bathing suit (forward/down facing direction). The bath area is brand new to my game so this was my first visit...