
  1. Manymaj6

    Game lags like crazy outdoors (modded game)

    Hi, I'm running stardew valley on my Windows 11 pc. The game version is 1.6.15. So my game lags like crazy outdoors and in the mines. Here is my smapi log:
  2. Android Lag/FPS Drop on Crafting Menu

    I noticed a FPS drop on crafting menu that my game almost crashes
  3. iOS Ginger Island Lag

    I’ve been playing SDV on iOS for a long time (I am updated to 18.0 right now.) I recently started playing again when 1.6 came out and I am currently updated to the most recent version: 1.614.3 build 24321. I also play single player. I am posting here because I have ran into a few glitches, with...
  4. Switch Hats on pets lags the game!!!

    I had hats on my horse and my two cats, and the game would stutter every few seconds. Took the hats off and lag disappeared.
  5. Switch Fishing lag

    When playing on co-op on switch on 1.6 the game will periodically lag/freeze. It’s especially notable when fishing and will freeze the green bar for a moment. Has caused us to lose several fish. We are both playing switch hand held. Happens on both of our lites as well as my nitro deck using...
  6. Cadaverrific

    Switch Crashes and lag

    Playing the 1.6 update multiplayer online on the switch. Lags and freezes for a few seconds often. Crashes occasionally. I read that many other people are also having this issue. Crashes often coincides with bomb placement.
  7. Vaile

    Switch Consistent Lag and a Full Game Crash

    I play the game on Switch, and have been for a couple of years. After the 1.6 update, I've noticed the game will have momentarily lag. It wasn't an issue at first, just annoying as it would occur a lot while fishing. The lag freezes the screen for about 2 seconds and than continues on a normal...
  8. scatteredbadass

    Switch lag in winter season

    Hi there!! I’m loving the update so far however I just got to winter and whenever it snows on my farm my game will lag about every 3/5 seconds unless I leave my farm or it’s not snowing. I play on my switch and I usually use my pro controller. I’ve noticed the lag in other seasons, however it’s...
  9. osdeibi

    Switch Visual lag after 12 days Autumn

    Every 2 seconds after the 12 day of autumn visual lag happens every 2 seconds. I'm playing the version on Nintendo Switch this also happens on my wife switch, after the 12 day of autumn get the same visual lag every 2 seconds only on the farm area, outside the farm everything is good...
  10. Switch Unplayable lag

    I’ve been experiencing extreme lag on my farm every 4-5 seconds for about a full second. I have four cats and a dog and I feel like this is causing the lag as when they’re outside during the day that’s when I get the lag and when they’re outside during go inside at night the lag is in my house...
  11. Android Game crashing when finishing bundles

    So I’m on single player, 1.6.11, non modded, and on a kindle fire If i finish the spring crops bundle, non remixed, my game crashes 1-5 seconds later, just kicks me out. I was putting a cauliflower in to complete it and it booted me ive tried it multiple times on two differents days (rainy...
  12. Switch Lag on farm/in farmhouse 1.6.9

    I recently got the 1.6.9 update on switch and I've noticed this lag on the farm every few seconds. It only occurs on the farm and in the farmhouse. When it's raining in game, the lag stops on the farm and the game runs smoothly however continues in the farmhouse. I've found there's no lag in the...
  13. Switch Bug with hats on pets causing constant lag

    I got super excited to put some hats on my pets after I updated the game. But as soon as I put one on my horse, I started to glitch every 3 seconds. Included while moving my character on and off my horse, moving the curser, talking to people, fishing etc. I’m playing on my switch, single player.
  14. Switch 1.6 Update super laggy on farm

    After updating to version 1.6 on my switch, I noticed the game being super laggy when on the farm in the daytime. It is almost impossible to enjoy playing at times because it’s freezing so much. This only happens during the day, when I come back to the farm later there is so lag. But everything...
  15. Switch Lag while on the farm

    Hello!! Im playing on nintendo switch the latest version 1.6 and noticed that while im on the farm (the new farm type) there is quite a lot of lag. Within a 10-15 seconds frame i would say i lag twice . I noticed this only happens on the farm as once i leave and go to the town or any other area...
  16. Switch 1.6 lag unrelated to hats

    Ive seen all the posts saying that the 1.6 lag is because of pet hats, but I'm playing on a fresh file and experience lag at random since before I even had a pet let alone hats for a second causing me to take damage and loose the fishing minigame. Theres nothing consistent about when where and...
  17. Android Issues with lag, missing visual, floating stable

    explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); After the 1.6 update, the game was running smoothly on first try. Then I closed it. Opening the game the second time, things started getting real slow. Loading time takes a while (like it has mods but I don't). Walk &...
  18. Switch Major Lag issue on switch

    It’s not as bad when I leave my farm, but when I am at my farm it lags every few seconds! Extremely frustrating when I am trying to farm and collect items on my beach farm. Anyone else having this issue? It didn’t do this before the update.
  19. tepidsoup

    Switch Bugs (Single & Multi-player)

    Single Player: Very consistent lagging, random junimo chests appearing in place of other items, on windy days the blossoms / leaves appear in long vertical columns rather than scattered floaters. The reach for animals when petting is activating from further than usual distances. Crystalariums...
  20. lollalafonda


    Hello! just noticed a bug from local co-op on switch’s new update! Screen becomes black and you start walking into the void after both players enter different cutscenes. (i entered community center, partner entered the mines. This triggered both cutscenes, and when my partner jumped his, he...