house renovations

  1. Linux Can’t apply wallpaper to dividing walls after getting all home renovations.

    I’m on version 1.6.15 and playing from Steam on my SteamDeck. I just got done adding all of the extra renovations like the dining room, attic, and cubby. I can’t change the wallpaper on the dividing walls between the dining room, and the corner room. I can change the other walls and even floors...
  2. Mac Attic wallpaper bug

    Cant get original attic wallpaper back as it is not in the catalogue and even if you destroy your attic and buy a new one after replacing wallpaper the new one comes with whichever wallpaper you replaced the og with. TLDR If you replace the attic wallpaper you cant get it back.
  3. iOS Can’t move shipping bin or renovate house

    on PC i know you can move the shipping bin and add rooms to your house at robins. but i can’t on my phone. and i’ve been seeing things about those being a 1.5 update features, and the app store says it’s 1.4 and updated a year ago. is there never going to be another iOS update to catch up with...
  4. curl

    Standard Farm PROUD OF MY FARM

    Soooo I’ve been playing stardew for almost 2 years now and I’m on Summer of Year 12. I have a Pelican Town sweatshirt and am just so in love with this game. I have sensory issues and a hard time focusing when I feel anxious and this game always helps me so much. I wanted to share this with...
  5. Quirinea

    PC [BUG] "Remove all items from the renovation area." (Warning:1.5. content)

    I had been using the "children's room" for storing and then decided I wished to get the crib back. I made room for the crib and tried to put in the crib, getting the above error. OK, maybe there were things too close. Nope. The same result. I had "iron casks" (from a mod, but I presume that is...
  6. Solved I cant see the house renovation

    I cant seem to find the house renovation at Robins on my game. Its not showing the option also I cant find a way to move my furniture. Im playing on a phone.
  7. yerspring

    Switch [BUG] Can’t Build Corner Room

    When I try to build a corner room it wont allow me and it just says “Remove all items from the renovation area.” I’ve removed a lot of furniture from the room but it’s still not good enough. this is single player, English, Nintendo switch version 1.5.4 The only thing I could think may be the...