house bug

  1. Windows Game crashes when advancing to next day

    My game has been crashing every time I sleep to move on to day 21 of winter. Robin is upgrading my house to the final one, I have removed the furniture once and also left it once to see if that was the issue but its not. My version number is: 1.6.15 build 24356 Heres the error text: Message...
  2. iOS House tiles offset for wallpaper and floor

    After I expanded my house and added new rooms, the whole grid for placing wallpaper and flooring is super offset so I can’t change anything for the whole bottom of the house. It only does this when placing flooring or wallpaper, not items. version: 1.6.15 build 24354 iPad OS 16.6.1 Language...
  3. Android Random chest floating on my wall and unable to move catalogues

    Hey, The chest problem started when i got the heart event with penny asking if she re decorate the bedroom, i said yes and chose the strawberry theme. I did not have any chests in that room and didnt move any of my already placed furniture. The after it was re decorated a random red chest...
  4. Windows Getting stuck outside bug

    once i sat on the chair and he came next to me, i got stuck and when i got up, it put me outside of the house and couldnt get in. i went to another chair up and went inside the house from there
  5. Windows BUG house update

    Hi! I'm trying to upgrade my level 2 house (it takes 50,000 gold and 150 hardwood) I have these 2 criteria but Robin still tells me that I don't have enough money. I dont Know how to fix it.. I restarted the game and waited a few days and nothing change
  6. Xbox Disappearing Chests

    Hi! My fiancé and I are playing vanilla multiplayer on xbox one. We were working on the house second upgrade. We had four chests with fruit, veggies, flowers, and forages in the main bedroom to the right. When Robin finished upgrading the house, the veggies and forage chests just disappeared...
  7. AngieDee

    Issue My house is surrounded by the void.

    I'm not sure what mod -if any- this might be caused by, but I noticed my baby hanging out in the void, walking out from the bottom room of the house. I was able to follow them, and walk all around my house in fact. I was also able to access the staircase to the cellar from it, oddly enough...
  8. PC Unable to add a nursery room

    After 3 house upgrades and all room enlargements have been added I have no visible option to add nursery.Robin has no work now and ‘shop’, ‘construct farm buildings’ and ‘make house renovations’ options are visible but nursery is not. Do I need to unlock it somehow or is it a bug?
  9. PC [BUG] Machines disappeared in house when I woke up

    When I woke up in bed the day after George's b-day, I woke up to a bit of an emptier living room. 2 preserves jars that were making jam, a furnace, a charcoal kiln, and the jukebox you get from Gus were just missing/gone. All these items were in the living room area against the walls, next to...
  10. PC [BUG] Missing bed (14 heart penny event, not related to redecoration after 3 day interval)

    First of all, i really have to compliment the state of the game, came back after a year without playing, and the new features are really nice (ex: ginger island) But ok, to the problems at hand: When i triggered penny's 14 heart event, my bed just disappeared, and it was the modern bed from the...
  11. Salty1

    Switch [BUG] Peculiar Visual Bug

    I took a screenshot when it occurred because it seemed so wild to me. I was waiting to encounter it again before citing it, to try to get more information, but I did not encounter the glitch again and soon forgot about it. I only just came across the screenshot again and found it amusing enough...