
  1. Chey_Zona

    Locked spaces in hotbar

    I am constantly accidentally putting my tool in chests and losing them. I’d love a way to “lock” a tool or weapon in place on the hotbar/inventory so it can’t be moved!
  2. Windows Hotbar Scrolling Sometimes Irresponsive

    I am not sure if this is just me or if it happened with anybody else as well, but sometimes scrolling through the Hotbar is not as responsive as it should be. The problem is that when I scroll in the opposite direction of the prior scrolling I need to scroll two steps by my scrolling wheel...
  3. Windows [BUG] Constant hotbar scrolling and main menu

    Hey , I was trying to play stardew today and all of a sudden when i loaded up the game into my coop world I was greeted with an infinitly scrolling hotbar , and i tried unplugging my mouse and using a different mouse and even a controller but nothing helped it just kept scrolling to the right...
  4. Switch [HELP] UI in split-screen is a bit too small

    This is not a bug per se, more of a wish, but I wonder if it'd be possible to allow us to scale the UI even more in split-screen? Both me and my SO have it at the maximum 150% but it's still ever-so-slightly too small - the item counts on the quick bar are barely readable, and I even sometimes...
  5. Right Click to Lock Items on Hot Bar

    I have been watching a recent playthrough from Cohhcarnage. In his playthrough, he made a suggestion that right clicking your mouse on an item on your hot bar should lock it in that specific spot. (and something similar for controllers!) The sorting feature is nice, but I think having a lock...