help & bug reports

  1. Windows Can’t join co-op farms.

    Me and my friend are both having this issue and we’ve tried most things on the internet to fix it, but had no luck :( Some examples are trying through invite code, trying through steam invites.. so on and so forth. We’re both having the same issue - so if she hosts, i cannot join hers & if i...
  2. Android Hero trophy bed breaking glitch

    I'm on a samsung galaxy tab s7 with latest software update and playing on singleplayer version and I have experience this glitch where the hero trophy would break completely no item to pick up when I'm in the bed Video of the glitch:
  3. Android Mobile duplication glitch(android tab)

    I'm on mobile(android galaxy tab s7) playing single player version on a keyboard and mouse and when I shift left-click on an item when the first row of inventory has an empty spot it would duplicate video link of the glitch:
  4. ItsAlyys

    My mod dosent work!

    Hi! i'm new to the game (i bought stardew valley 1 week ago) and, i've been trying to get into modding, ive installed smapi, and a lot of my mods work! but idk why yesterday my content patcher mod just stopped working, and, i really love the mods that need content patcher, but i just cant get it...
  5. Solved Missing save file??? (xbox)

    Ive been playing the game for a while, made a new save file and spent over 100 hours on it, i log onto stardew valley and my save file had disappeared, it was completely missing from the load game section? i play on xbox so i clipped the last minute to check if i accidentally deleted it but no...
  6. Windows Fish smoker not increasing value?

    I saw that the fish smoker pretty much doubles your sell value of the fish you catch. I tried smoking some of my purple stared sea cucumber and it only increases the value by 1 gold. This happened with other fish too. How come?
  7. Solved My Game keeps crashing when leaving the farm area

    If I leave the farm area the trees are bugged, my character disappears and it says that the StardewModdingAPI doesnt respond. Any help??
  8. Xbox Crash on coop

    Anyone else having problems with coop xbox edition mine keep crashing
  9. tulinya

    Windows stuck in difficult mine

    my 31-40 levels of the town mine only show the difficult mode and then it goes back to normal. i switched difficulty on and off to try and fix it but nothing changed, is there something that can be done about it
  10. Android I cant create a new game

    I am using a Samsung galaxy A34 I can't fill in any of the boxes I need to type In I really want to create a new farm but I can't I have tried to clear my data and I tried deleting then downloading the game again but it hasn't worked
  11. Windows No Add Invite Code Option On The Windows Version of Stardew Valley Game Pass

    When I try to play Stardew Valley from the game pass on the xbox app it gives me no option to put in a code and play multiplayer with my friends. I tried looking up all the solutions like enabling the game in firewall, disabling firewall, having steam open up in the background, changing xbox...
  12. Mac why cant i put bait on my Iridium rod or my fiberglass rod

    Im on mac and i downloaded stardew off of steam. im in a single player game year one but this has been happing since i got a fiber glass rod. im not using a controler just a key board and mouse i have tried many times to right click normal click left click every thing i can think of and every...
  13. Switch Chest Stuck In The Wall

    After marrying Penny and getting to her 14 heart event, she redecorated the bedroom and moved my stuff into a chest. Normally not a big deal, but she has placed the chest inside the wall where it is unreachable for me. I have several items in there that you can only get once per play through...
  14. iOS Small Shipping bin

    Spoiler alert. Hello everyone. I have a problem with small shipping bin. I have put it beside my house door, and I cant move it. Because of that I can’t finish quest that includes researching that pile of woods. Please solve this. Here is picture.
  15. Xbox Can’t join others and others can’t join me

    Hello I’m on Xbox trying to join my friends Co-op game but I keep getting connection failed and others can’t join my games I’ve already tried .restarting my Xbox . Re downloading the game .Turing off my router Does anyone know a solution
  16. Issue Urgant help required. Save won't open. [MODDED]

    So, here I am chopping wood in SVE Forest West and pass out at 2 am. Hmm, that's strange... that saving is taking a whole lot longer than usual. So I alt + f4 and reloads every time I access the save. I thought since I knew how to access the old save file and rename it I could just...
  17. Unsaved game days

    Yesterday I was playing with my girlfriend from the 5th to the 15th of summer in year 2, this morning when I tried to load the game the game went back to day 5, does anyone know what I can do? I play on Xbox Series S
  18. tempestisinpain

    Android I'm worried I lost everything

    I play stardew valley on a android device, (revvl 6 pro) I was trying to download mods with smapi, and Nexus, I misinterpreted instructions and deleted stardew valley, after I thought I had the mod downloaded, I opened stardew valley and my saves were nowhere to be found. Can someone help me...
  19. Issue Petting dog Dusty cutscene froze my game

    Log file link
  20. PlayStation Mystery of the stardrops trophy not registering

    I am playing on ps5 solo and I recently got all stardrops in the game (508 energy no buffs) but I did not get the “mystery of the stardrops achievement. I wondered if it was on PlayStation side but when I go to Mr. Qi’s perfection tracker it says I did not receive all stardrops. If anyone knows...