help & bug reports

  1. Mac Game not launching on MacBook Steam

    Hi everyone! I recently had purchased the game off steam for my MacBook after being a massive fan of it on my switch. However every time I try to launch the game through steam, it never opens and crashes only a couple seconds after. Ive tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling it about 3-4...
  2. iOS Fish smoker recipe doesn't show up

    Please help! I'm playing on mobile (iPad) and when going to Willy's shop, the fish smoker doesn't show up on the catalogue. I haven't bought it yet, so I have no way to get it, I don't think.
  3. PlayStation Bug Report

    I’m on update 1.6 on my PS4 so everytime when it’s night market event my game’s audio crashes after the I enter and leave the mermaid show but if I don’t enter the mermaid show my audio is just fine
  4. Android Quests no longer Appear on the Board

    A template you can follow: explain the issue (including any pattern you noticed about when it happens); First time it happened was in version 1.5, season 10, android. I'm a senior(64) and can hardly navigate the game nevermind this place. I started a new farm after V6 came out, still on...
  5. mahdiyar1987

    Issue i need help for a bug after deleting a mod

    so i have been starting to play stardew valley and in the first days of playing i got a BIG crush on harvey. so much so that after i married him i have decided to download the X tardew valley mod. aa you probably know this mod needs a lot of other mods to run so i downloaded them as well and one...
  6. t7sukki

    SMAPI not launching game

    First of all, I apologize for any errors. English in not my first language. Since the update of March 01 (2025) my SMAPI is crashing a lot and simply doesn´t work anymore. I tried everything, even got rid of all my mods (all downloaded via Nexus - including SMAPI), uninstalled and then...
  7. Switch Pam

    Pam doesn’t show up to the bus stop. I go there after 10:00 and she isn’t there. Their isn’t any special even happening.
  8. Windows Furnace Breaks/Disappears when attempting to smelt ore - Solved?

    Hi, completely new here, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes/clarification errors and my extremely long post. I have the Steam version of the game on PC and am updated to 1.6.15. I think I have fixed the issue for now but am unsure how it happened in the first place and couldn't find...
  9. Warlic

    Solved I can't get rid of this item

    A few days ago I had gotten a "Broken Trident" but recently I got a little better one so like everything I replace I try to throw it out of the inventory, put it in the trash but I can't get it out of my inventory. Any advice to get rid of that item
  10. iOS Frozen Screen IOS

    Hi, I play stardew valley from Apple Arcade on IOS, and I noticed a bug. Sometimes, I’m not sure what if anything triggers this, but the screen will freeze and all I can do is move forward. The time in the day continues but I am stuck in place. I can’t open the map, inventory, journal, etc. I...
  11. Windows help with manifest.json !!

    Hello, I have a small problem with some known mods, when I start the game this appears on the screen since they are mods with a Spanish translationY
  12. iOS Random NPC outside map/walking on water

    Hello, Abigail was glitched outside of Pierre’s store on my other save! I am a mobile user on update 1.6. Now Jas is walking in water. This doesn’t disrupt my gameplay, it just really annoys me. Please send help, User
  13. Yogurt_The_Cow

    iOS Help no way to move on to next level in the mines

    I am in year one level 37 of the mine outside of pelican town. There is no rocks to find the ladder.
  14. iOS IOS Glitch: Furniture Stuck in an Unreachable Area of House

    I play single player on Ipad ios 18 with an apple pencil and my game is fully up to date. (v1.6.15 build 24354) Yesterday I accidentally changed the direction my dresser was facing (something I do a lot lol) but when I tried to flip it back to its original position, it completely disappeared...
  15. Problem with kegs

    Hi! I noticed yesterday that I can't add anything to my kegs anymore, and I'm not sure why. I've already tried to create new kegs, create a new save, tried to use command "debug cookingrecipe keg" on Smapi (the result was: [Console Commands] Sent debug command to the game, but there was no...
  16. Windows Crash game

    Hi everyone I can't log in to the game, or rather, it immediately throws it on the desktop without any error, I did all the steps in the pinned discussion, but I still couldn't solve the problem, please help.. Version number: 1.6.15 Steam. There is no error text. The error file is missing. OC...
  17. Switch Nothing during Green Rain??

    Build: v1.6.9 build 40 (most recent update today) Single player, switch lite Year 1 info: While playing on my switch today, I got the green rain event and there was absolutely nothing to collect, so no fiddle head ferns, no weeds for fibers. None of the trees changed to the special effects...
  18. Switch Racoon Shop not updating

    Title says it all. I have completed numerous racoon bundles and i get a gift plus a message saying the racoon shop has expanded, but the shop remains the same. (mini spoiler ahead) the racoons have five kids, but the shop remains the same.
  19. Switch Did not receive memento from Birdie

    Hello! I seem to have run into a problem with ‘the pirate’s wife’ quest. I tried speaking to Birdie for the first time and nothing happened, no dialogue or cut scene, I also didn’t receive the memento. I left it and logged out but when I logged in today it seems like the quest started… I...
  20. Xbox Split screen co op Xbox series x

    My wife and my game has a lot of issues since the recent update. Game crashing while entering mines, second player can’t access the island mine without player 1, first player in mines (any mine) level bugs out and you can’t collect anything and can only find the ladder down.