
  1. Lydia3.3

    Is there a certain amount of days for 1 heart?

    I’m just wondering how many days, roughly, it takes to up one heart with a villager? If you’re giving two gifts a week, and talking every day, roughly how many in-game days?
  2. Windows Não consigo ganhar corações com meu cachorro ( cannot get hearts with my dog )

    Eu jogo Multiplayer local com meu irmão e ele adotou um cachorro, o problema é que eu não consigo ganhar corações com ele. Talvez por ele ter adotado, só ele consegue, mas não o host. I play Local Multiplayer with my brother and he adopted a new dog, the problem is that I cannot get any heart...
  3. Xbox No animal friendship hearts

    I'm having an issue with my animals' friendship hearts not appearing, despite me doing all the right things (presumably) such as petting them daily, keeping enough hay in the silo and placing it on the benches daily, opening and closing the doors daily... I'm doing everything I've been doing on...
  4. licherlay

    Negative Hearts

    It would be cool if npc's got negative hearts and there are cutscenes that come with them, idk just a thought
  5. StefunnyDoodle

    We should be able to pick our birthday!

    Idk about you guys, but I’m always on top of it when it comes to birthday gifting the community.. I feel like the player does so much for the town with nothing in return! We should be able to pick a day in a season as our birthday, then one person(at random) out of all the folks that you have 5+...
  6. PC [BUG] Certain Villagers Not Gaining Hearts

    I'm playing the most recent version of the game and as the title says, certain villagers aren't gaining hearts no matter how many loved gifts I give them or what quests I do. The villagers in question are Sebastian, Gus, and Sandy, and I've been trying to figure out why. In particular, what...
  7. PC BUG- Animals don't gain hearts

    On my PC game, none of my animals will gain hearts. I have made sure to do everything you are supposed to do. I'm on year two and my chickens from year one still don't have hearts. Even my new cows don't have any. Probably just going to start over at this point honestly because I can't progress...
  8. Faro94

    Solved [BUG] Leo 6 Heart Event Bug?

    After the event with Leo, the tree house will not be built. Does anyone else have this problem? I play in German, I have already switched it to English, but that didn't help. :(
  9. An idea called heart plus

    Hello all. I have an idea called heart plus. The idea is that when you get villagers (non romance candidates) to 8 hearts and you also completed the community center or joja storage - their hearts level up and they can get a level 3 system of 8 hearts. I am thinking that there can be 4...