
  1. Making money late game

    Hey! I'm trying to make as much money as possible in a month. I filled the whole greenhouse with sweet gemberry that makes me about 500000g a month, the ginger island farm is filled with starfruit wich i turn into wine so that makes me 700000g a week. What other ways are there to make money?
  2. Is there any tips for a newcomer?

    hiii i'm new to the community and really wondering is there any tips & tricks for me to get gold faster or easier? or perhaps any other tips to maximize my experience playing the game for the first time??? thank you in advance <3
  3. Kemptis

    A Google Sheet To Optimize Jars & Kegs

    It can tell you the minimum amount of jars/kegs you'll need, the number of resources you'll need to craft them, the cost to purchase the resources, how much gold you'll earn, and which combo of crops, fertilizers, and processors will make the most gold. To use go to "File" -> "Make a Copy"...
  4. Windows [BUG] Infinite Money Glitch [SPOILERS!!]

    In the Pirate's Cove on Ginger Island, if you talk to the bar man with a full inventory, the UI that lets you replace an item for the new item received will come up, but if you just drag the mead to your upgraded trash bin, you can get some gold. However, since you never actually 'received' the...
  5. How much money do you make each day on average?

    I'd say I make 80,000 on average in year 3 farm from animals and crops
  6. PC [HELP] I lost half of my money??

    Hi, I'm a beginner at Stardew Valley (Started like 4 days ago), and I was wondering if anyone has any idea what happened to my money. I'm in Year 1, summer, day 21. I had 12000g. I sold some crops and minerals, slept, got my daily earnings summary, progress saved, and when I woke up I only have...