
  1. Smapi Error

    I had to reset my PC and reinstall Smapi. Now I can't get the program to work. I did what the Smapi install said and installed it in the right spot, But I keep getting this weird error: Anyone else having this issue lately?
  2. Windows Game flickering in fullscreen

    Hi guys, i stopped playing the game for some time (after more than 300 hours of it lol) and now i decided to play again with some friends to relax, but i'm getting upset instead. I'm playing on the same pc and monitor in which i played the game for all my 300+ hours and never had this error...
  3. Solved Crashing bug when opening Artifact Troves

    Ever since the update that came out a few minutes ago, whenever I get Clint to break open a Artifact Trove the game immediately crashes just before he cracks it open !
  4. Switch Switch ALL Animals Disappearing

    Year 3 Riverlands Farm. Co-Op game. The majority of our animals have disappeared. They are gone from our barn/coop and gone from the animal log. We can’t delete the barn because it says that it is still full. We also can’t purchase more animals for the same reason. I’ve sent an email, and have...
  5. JuliaStar

    Switch Switch Bugs

    Just updated to and have two bugs so far 1. String of code instead of counts for the monster slayer quest (incomplete) 2. Crash when opening artifact troves at Clints shop (happened twice in a row with nearly the same string of events during the day). Crash details "software...
  6. Switch Glitch string of code text (Monster Eradication Goals, weddings, SquidFest, etc)

    Instead of “5 beans required” or whatever it usually says when you try to insert less than 5 coffee beans into a keg it’s now saying a random line of code “localizedtextstrings” something. This is only since I just downloaded the update on switch and reloaded
  7. LMW-Creations

    Android Help! Cannot move screen Rancher vs. Tiller

    The opening graphics are glitched and when I reach level 5 Farming, I cannot select anything on the screen or move forward. The center line between the options is skewed, creating an upside down T shape in one rectangle instead of two boxes. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. No changes. I...
  8. Solved [Switch] Every gift is registering as a loved gift

    On Switch since the latest update. Single player. Every gift is registering as a loved gift. Previous gifts given are showing as loved in the NPC gift tab regardless of if it is loved or not.
  9. Windows Glitching.

    Hi all! I have been having some visual issues lately only with Stardew Valley none of the other games I play on my pc. Anytime I go to the beach area the top of my monitor gets a straight line through it and sometimes shows double of the top of the screen. I have never had anything like this...
  10. Xbox Community Center tiles gone

    I was playing co op with my friend and informed me that the cc tiles disappeared. And its annoying because we only needed one more thing which was the truffle to finish anyone know how to fit this????
  11. Xbox Console glitch

    Sometimes when im playing console split screen whenever my brother (player 2) goes into the mines without me every floor is messed up
  12. iOS Glitch in Mutant Bug Lair (Mobile version)

    Has anyone had an issue like this specifically in the mutant bug lair?? This is the third time it's happened to me on random days where the game freezes and lets me semi interact with the screen (i can cycle through my inventory) but doesn't start working again until I close out the game and...
  13. Android Can buy animals without gold

    When using a controller in android version of game, you can buy animals without any gold. YouTube vid
  14. smakis

    Android Game crashing!

    so I've never played before but I just got a new laptop (lenovo 11.6" 300e chromebook touchscreen lcd 2 in 1- mediatek m8173c quad-core 2.1ghz 4gb lpddr3 32gb flash memory chrome os model 81h00000us) and I saw that Stardew was available so i got it. HOWEVER, upon booting it up and preparing to...
  15. iOS IOS Glitch: Furniture Stuck in an Unreachable Area of House

    I play single player on Ipad ios 18 with an apple pencil and my game is fully up to date. (v1.6.15 build 24354) Yesterday I accidentally changed the direction my dresser was facing (something I do a lot lol) but when I tried to flip it back to its original position, it completely disappeared...
  16. PlayStation Volcano Glitch

    Hey, I’m playing a local co-op (2 player) game on PS5, and we are currently in fall of year 2. We finally finished the community center and boat to ginger island, but there’s one issue. All the floors of the volcano is the first, which wouldn’t be an issue if I could pass the dwarf floor, but...
  17. Chey_Zona

    Xbox Volcano split screen multiplayer bug

    When I play multiplayer, if I (host) don’t enter the next floor of the volcano first, it’s completely glitched. There’s no monsters, no drops, no rocks, and even no lava. I’m on Xbox series x if that helps
  18. 0kcat

    Switch Game ender because Haley is the worst

    After the update, I went to the beach during year 2 Spring and found Haley looking for her bracelet. When the cutscene ends, the game glitches and traps me on the beach, unable to interact with anything or leave. V1.6.9.40 Also after the latest update a few days ago, my Christmas gift person...
  19. Switch Day 2 of Green Rain

    I just got the newest update on my switch and got the green rain. But the next day is also green rain. Two consecutive green rain days! I kept everything I collected day one so the day didn’t just restart. Anyone else have this? Day three was back to normal! Updated to say the villagers still...
  20. Switch Mining glitches (can't pick up items) in local multiplayer (Split Screen) - version 1.6.9 build 40

    Hello! Unfortunately, an issue that has occurred since the big update has continued after the latest patch. I have opened this thread to report it and have described the issues below. There may be some other issues as well that I have not experienced/caught as I am still relatively early game...